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Jasper growled as he hung the phone up. "I'm going to kill him." He said making Bryce look at him.

"Major, what's wrong?" Peter asked.

"My mate is pregnant. With my child." He said. "Edward better be glad he is on his own because I will murder him."

"What are you going to do?" Bryce asked as Charolette and Alice walked in.

Jasper looked at them as his was calm. "I'm going home to Ambrosia." He said. "I'm not going to miss out on anything. She needs me and this pain has to stop."

They watched as Jasper ran to his room. Alice just smiled at them. "The reunion is going to be beautiful."
Ambrosia was happy that she got to spend time with her dad and Renee. "It was nice having you for the weekend, but you have school." Phil tells her. "Let us know how the doctor appointment goes."

"I will, dad." She said as she hugged him. "I'll see you again soon."

Phil and Renee watched as she got on the plane and left. "She doesn't know he is waiting for her in Forks."

"No." Phil said. "I hope someone gets a picture of Ambrosia's face."
Jasper knew that tomorrow is when he surprises Ambrosia. She just left and he hopes she doesn't get too mad because he couldn't go another day without her by his side.
Ambrosia smiled as the plane finally landed causing her to get up and stretch. She grabbed her bag and walked off the plane and into the airport. Jasper was standing with flowers and a ring. Seeing Ambrosia walking through the gates, Jasper smiled as she grabbed her bag and turned just for her to drop it. "Jasper?" She said.

"Hello, darlin."

She ran to him and jumped in his arms crying. "You're here." She said with tears. "You're actually here."

"As soon as you told me about the baby, I had to come back. I had to be with you and the baby." He tells her.

Ambrosia smiled and looked at the flowers. "You didn't have to..."

"Yeah." He said as he got down on one knee.

Everyone stopped to watch them. "Jasper..."

"Leaving you behind was the hardest thing that I ever had to do. It was the biggest mistake that I had made." He says. "When you called and told me about our baby, I had to come back." Ambrosia stared in shock with tears in her eyes. "Ambrosia Dwyer, will you be mine forever in marrying me?"

Ambrosia smiled as she kissed him. "Yes." She says crying. "I'll marry you."

Everyone in the airport screamed and cheered for the couple. Congrats from those around them was heard, but they didn't pay much attention as they were back in each other's arms. "Let's get you home."

Ambrosia nodded as Jasper grabbed her luggage and walked out with her. The only thing that has Ambrosia worried about is how are they going to keep this from Bella.

His Rare Mate-Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now