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Dear Jasper,
I know we spoke not too long ago, but I feel like writing down whats going on. I miss you for one and as the nights go by i wake up to screaming. I don't know what happened in the woods, but I do want to kill Edward for what he had done. He had no rights leaving her there that night. Things aren't the same since you guys left.

Ambrosia sighed as she heard screaming. She stopped writing and dialed his number. "Hello?"


"What's wrong, Darlin'?"

"I miss you." She tells him. "It's been a month and there is this pain..."

"I know, baby." He said. "Ambrosia, if you need me to come home..."

"Jasper, I don't want her finding out..."

"Just say the word and I'll be there, baby." Jasper tells her.
Ambrosia woke up the next morning. She walked to her closet to grab an outfit and smiled as she found a sweater. She happened to look outside to see Bella leaving. Ambrosia sighed as she didn't know what to do. She was planning on going to Jacksonville to see her dad, but with the way Bella is acting has her slightly worried.

"Ambrosia, has Bella said anything to you?" Charlie asked her.

Ambrosia walked out dressed and looked at him. "No." She tells him. "I can try to get her to come with me when I go see dad."

"You can try, but I don't think it's going to work." He tells her. "Get to school."

Ambrosia nodded as she left. Charlie sighed as he wished Bella wasn't like she is. Ambrosia stopped as she thought about Jasper. When should he come home?'
Two more months went by and Ambrosia was ready for Jasper to come home. The pain gotten worse where she was bed ridden. Jasper knew about the pain and was already packing. He missed her and he couldn't go another day without her in his arms. "Jasper, are you sure about this. Ambrosia doesn't want Bella knowing you are there."

"I can't handle this pain anymore, Bryce." He tells her. "Everyday, I call her, she sounds more hurt than ever, every time we hang up, I hear her getting ready to break. I can't do this anymore. My mate, the love of my life, needs me and there is nothing anyone can do to keep me from going to her."

"Waiting till she comes back from visiting her dad at least." Bryce said. "Then you can go back home to Ambrosia."

The plane landed in Jacksonville making Ambrosia smile. Yes, she spoke to Jasper, but it wasn't the same. She hopes visiting her dad will get her to make up her mind and let him come home. "Ambrosia."

"Daddy!" She said as she hugged him with tears in her eyes. "I missed you and Renee."

"We missed you too."

Ambrosia smiled as they started walking away, but stopped as she ran to the nearest trash can. "Ambrosia?" Renee said as she held her hair. "Come on, let's get you to the house."
Renee looked at Phil after he laid Ambrosia down. "Phil, I think her and Jasper are expecting."

"That's what I was thinking and the long distance is killing her."

"I think she needs to tell Jasper about his baby."

Ambrosia stood in her door way shocked. She was carrying Jasper's baby and what gets it, they never thought a vampire could have children. "I'm pregnant." She said as she grabbed her phone and called Jasper.

"Darlin, I was just about to call..."

"Jasper, we discovered the impossible." She tells him. "I'm pregnant."

His Rare Mate-Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now