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Jasper was thinking about Ambrosia. He can tell that she doesn't have that closeness with her step sister. "When are you going to tell her?" Bryce asked.

"I don't know." He tells her. "I want her to trust me so she won't be terrified." Jasper looked at Bryce and sighed. "I finally found my happiness and I'm afraid she'll leave out of fear."

Bryce sighed as Jasper walked away to get Ambrosia. She understood what he was saying he didn't want to ruin anything with Ambrosia. He wanted her trust him. "Bryce, he will tell her soon." Alice tells her.

"How will she react?"

"She will love him no matter what. Ambrosia will prove him wrong about him being a monster. She doesn't see him like that."

"So she will love him?"

"Of course she will."
Ambrosia was sitting in the kitchen eating. Her mind was on her dad, but knew that he was practicing and then there is Jasper. She tries to focus on other things, but Jasper somehow keeps popping back into her mind. For the past few days, he has made her feel important. She thought she was important to her dad, but she was wrong once she met Jasper.

Then there was Bella Swan. The girl kept staring at Ambrosia and Jasper hoping for some answers, but knew what ever they were talking about was nothing about Edward.

Bryce Hale, she was not to pleased with Bella as she was doing a lot of staring. Her mate, her Alice may be interested in the human, because she doesn't remember her life as human. Rosalie doesn't want neither girl involved, but Jasper's bond was deeper then they thought. There was no separating them.

"He should not even be talking to her."

"You know what." Bryce says. "I'm tired of your bullshit, Rose. I know your reason, but I also know that Jasper loves his mate. Ever since that bitch Maria turned us and used my brother, Jasper wanted to know what its like to have an actual mate." Alice grabbed her hand with a smile. "I refuse to let you tell him to stay away from Ambrosia when that girl has never said a word about us being different or because of the step sister's curiosity to Edward's disappearance."

"Just give her a chance." Alice says as she followed Bryce

Rosalie looked to see Jasper on the phone seeing if Ambrosia had any plans. She was not happy about this as she walked away. They have one human that is nosy and now three wants the other one to know.
Ambrosia smiled as she read the email from her dad. She misses him, but he keeps teasing about Jasper. "Thank god my dad is more lay back." She mumbled as Bella walked in making her roll her eyes. "Yes?"

"Has Jasper....

"No." She replies. "Jasper hasn't talked much to his family beside Alice and Bryce, but he hasn't said anything and if I knew whatever your thinking, than I still wouldn't tell you."

Bella glared as she walked away. Ambrosia shook her head and decided to do her homework. School is tomorrow and she will not let Bella aggravate her because what ever Bella thinks is not any of her business.

His Rare Mate-Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now