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Ambrosia seemed better then she did the other day. She had know idea why she what happened or what she saw in her sleep, but she was going to write that down as she was going to find out. "Ambrosia, lets go."

"Someone's a little bitchy." Ambrosia mumbled as she walked out of her room.

Bella watched her step sister walk by and shook her head. She believes that Ambrosia knows, but she wasn't going to ask knowing how Ambrosia is. Ambrosia wondered if Jasper figured something out about what happened.

At the Cullens, Jasper smiled as he figured it out. "Ambrosia is a rare mate." He said as he walked into Carlisle's office. "She has the ability to copy cat. She copied Alice's gift without knowing, but here is the rare part. Ambrosia may have another gift that won't show till after she turns."

"So the headaches are from her copying someone's gift?"

Jasper nodded.

"Jasper, we're leaving." Emmett said making the major nod and walk out.

Carlisle looked at the book, but something tells him that the headaches are from stress and not her copying someone's gift.
Ambrosia arrived to see Jasper waiting for her. She parked her car as Jasper opened it. "Hey."

"I need you to come by after school. I found something and what I have to tell you will shock you more then once."


Bryce walked over to Ambrosia and sighed. "I made the mistake of comparing you to your sister..."

"What did you say?"

"Step sister."

"Good girl." Ambrosia said. "Now continue."

"Jasper had made a choice that will change your life forever, but I know you will treat my brother right." Bryce said. "So I am sorry for what I have done."

Ambrosia smiled. "I forgive you."

"How's your head?" Alice asked as they walked in.

"I took some aspirin last night and the pain finally went away." She replies. "I feel so much better then I did yesterday. I think it was stress."

"That's wonderful, darlin."

Bella watched as Ambrosia walked with Jasper, Bryce and Alice. She must know something.
That day, Ambrosia sat with Jasper once again, but this time, the two were shocked to see Bella and Edward together. "I have a funny feeling that she is trying to get answers."

"You should be, but you're not. You have proved to me and to my family that you aren't once curious and I like that." Jasper said. "Well till you find out."

"Do you honestly think that I could be scared of you?" She asked as he nodded. Ambrosia grabbed his hand and smiled. "Take your time to tell me and when you are ready, I won't run. I'll be right here."

Jasper looked at Ambrosia and smiled. "Thank you." He said. "I'm glad you respect me."

"I can tell that you are struggling, but don't worry. I'm sure when you are ready, you will tell me then. Now, let's talk about something else."

Jasper chuckled as he started talking to her about her art supplies. Ambrosia told him that she order some stuff online, but she wasn't able to get what she actually needed. Jasper promised her that this weekend, they could go and get to know one another better.

Bella looked at them and back at Edward. "Does Ambrosia know what you are?"

Ambrosia finally made it through the day, well she had Jasper to keep her going. She was warming up more to Bryce and Alice, but the stares on Bella's face had her sighing. "Why don't you go home, call your dad, and enjoy the rest of the day to yourself." Jasper tells her.

"That was my plan all along."

"We'll see you tomorrow, Ambrosia." Bryce said.

"Bye." She said as she kissed Jasper's cheek. "I'll call you later."

"Bye." Jasper said as she got in and drove off. "Edward is going to have to stop Bella from staring at Ambrosia before something happens."

"What could Ambrosia do?" Bryce asked as they go in the car.

"I don't know, but you can tell she won't hardly ask Ambrosia questions like she is scared to. So something happened between the two, but we won't know till Ambrosia tells us." Jasper said. "Got it, Bryce."

"Yeah, yeah." Bryce said as they drove off. "So, when are you going to tell her?'


His Rare Mate-Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now