Twenty six

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The others arrived to hear a heart stopping. Bella saw Jacob and Primrose together holding a baby. She glared causing Edward to look at her. "Bella." She looked at him. "You said you loved me."

"I do."

"Then why are you jealous?" He says. "He has told you over and over to stop because you have me and he has Primrose. Grow up and prove to me that you love me."

Bella could tell that Edward was telling the truth. She knows he loves her, but yet, she can't stand that someone else got attention from someone who loved her too. Now she doesn't get that. Ambrosia walked out causing them to look at her. "I don't know why any of you are here? We called before Phil came and yet, no answer." She says. "Bella isn't the only one in this world, but you all obsess over her because she is with Edward. Forgetting the human who was pregnant, forget another human who could have died because her boyfriend wanted to help out."

"He did it for me."

Primrose went to attack, but Jacob held her back. "Bella, at one point, I did have a crush on you, but when I shifted and met Primrose and imprint on her, I felt whole. I had someone to love me instead of playing games with my heart. You wanted Edward and I want Primrose."

Bella didn't say a word as she left. Edward looked at the newborn and smiled. "I'm ending things." He tells them all. "Ambrosia, do you mind if I hold Phil?"

"Yes." She says. "Are you sure about leaving her?"

"I actually met my mate the other day, I was only protecting her. For the first time, I heard her mind. She's not the person I thought she was, but I'm happy to finally find someone." He says taking Phil into his arms.

"Where is she?"

Edward looked at them. "She's home. I'm going to meet her tomorrow." He tells them.

Ambrosia smiled. "Tell us all about her."

Edward looked at his sister in law and smiled as he looked at Phil knowing that one day he will have a child with Rosie Whitley.

His Rare Mate-Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now