2. Dear Future Self, I Hope It's Going Well

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Pete's POV

"Guys, do you know where Patrick went?"

Joe and Andy shook their heads and shrugged.

"I have to head to the studio.." I Said. "I'm meeting with a band today. Just help me find Patrick."

"He's a grown man.." Joe mumbled.

"I know..." I Said. "But you know how he's been since...you know.."

Both Andy and Joe nodded, looking down a bit.

"Just Find him, please." I Said. "I've gotta go."

"We'll call you when we find him." Andy Said.

"Thank you." I Said, grabbing my bag and heading out the door.

Emma's POV

"The Pete Wentz is late." Susan scoffed.

"I mean, he does have a band." Alex Said. "He's gotta be busy."

"He knew that we were coming." Ronnie Said. "He should've made time for today."

"Let's just wait...he's got to show up sometime." I Said, biting my lip.

I was still really anxious, because, like I said before, I sent him one of our videos from 2009. I also lied and told the band that I sent him one of our new songs.

So this day might be screwed because of me, and I could only hope that Mr. Wentz was in a good mood today.

"What's up with you?" Alex asked me.

I looked up. "Huh? Nothing."

"Oh, shit." Ronnie Said.

Susan looked me in the eye. "What did you do?"

"I said nothing.." I Said, biting my lip again.

"What did you do?" She repeated through gritted teeth.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late.."

We all looked up, and the Pete Wentz stood before us.

He reached out and shook Susan's hand, then Alex's, then mine, then Ronnie's.

"I am really sorry.." he said again. "I've been really busy."

"See?" Alex said to Susan.

"Shut up, Alex." She whispered back.

Pete opened the door to the studio, and motioned for us to go in.

We all crowded into an office-like room, and Pete came in, sitting down in the chair behind the desk.

"Please, Take a seat." He said.

The four of us sat down on a long gray couch which faced the desk.

"So, tell me about yourselves." He said.

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now