26. You're Just The Last Of The Real Ones

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That night, we had stayed in the studio quite late. It had been mostly silent, nobody wanting to say the wrong thing and start up another fight. It came to be the time where Patrick and I decided we should leave, so I was going around, collecting anything I might've left lying around as he had a last chat with Pete.

As I made my way into the back room, I hadn't realized it, but Susan had followed me.

I looked around a bit, but when I heard someone clear their throat, I looked up.

Susan stood in the doorway, Biting her lip as she played with a strand of her blonde hair.

"Hey, Em.." she mumbled. "I just...wanted to say that I had no right to say those things earlier. I'm sorry for the way I acted."

I stepped over to her, looking down at my feet. "It's alright."

She shook her head. "It's not...I've treated you like shit all these years." She sighed. "You never deserved that. I'm sorry."

I nodded, a little, still looking down at my feet. "No hard feelings, okay?"

She smiled a little, nodding. "Good."

She hesitantly held her arms open, and I walked into her embrace. We hugged for a bit, until she pulled away.

"Congrats, though." She smiled a little. "Are you going to tell Patrick?"

"Soon." I nodded. "I'm just waiting or the perfect moment, you know?"

She nodded. "Well, tell me when you do."

"I will." I gave her a small smile.

Patrick came into the room, knocking on the open door to let his presence be known.

I looked up at him, smiling. "Hey, Patrick."

"Hey." He smiled as well. "Are you ready to go home?"

I nodded, walking over to him. He planted a kiss on my nose, then looked over at Susan.

"Bye, Susan." He said, lifting up his hand to wave a little.

"Bye." She Said, waving back.

After saying goodbye to Pete, we left the studio, beginning to head back home.

I still wasn't exactly sure when I'd tell him. I mean, if you were looking closely, the fact that I was pregnant was beginning to show, which was why I had been wearing baggy clothing lately.

I just wanted to tell him before he found out by just looking at me.

When we got home, we both were so exhausted that we just collapsed on the couch, turning on the TV for some background noise as we just sat.

I felt Patrick's arm wrap around me, and he pulled me closer to him. I buried my face in his chest, taking a deep breath of his wonderful smell.

His scent literally calmed me. Something about smelling it told me I was close to him, and safe. I had someone who truly loved me, and he was literal perfection.

I began to shut my eyes, taking a deep breath as I wrapped an arm around him.

I was feeling all calm and everything, until I felt Patrick's hand brush against my stomach.

Honestly, it caused me to panic. If he found out, and I didn't even get a chance to tell him, he might think I was cheating or something.

I sat up, and he looked at me worriedly.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked softly, trying to read my expression.

I cleared my throat. "P-Patrick, Can I tell you something?"

He reached over, taking my hands in his. "Yeah, of course." He said. "You can tell me anything."

I nodded, looking down. "Patrick..." I mumbled. "I'm...I'm.." I squinted my eyes, taking a deep breath. "I'm pregnant."

There was silence for a moment after that, which caused me to look up at Patrick. To my disappointment, I couldn't read his expression at all, but I could tell he definitely wasn't excited.

"Patrick.." I Said quietly.

"I need a minute." He mumbled, standing up and sliding his hands away from mine.

"Wait, Patrick.." I Said, trying to stop him from leaving.

However, he ignored me, going into the other room and shutting the door.

I looked down at my feet, my eyes filling with tears.

I wish I knew what he was thinking. Was this a bad thing? Was he angry with me?

I knew it. I shouldn't have told him so soon.

I buried my face in my hands, letting out a broken sob, which ended up becoming full-on sobbing as the minutes passed.

I heard the door open back up, and Patrick came back into the living room, sitting next to me on the couch.

He rubbed my back as I cried, not saying a single word.

"I'm sorry, Patrick.." I sobbed, looking up at him.

His face fell. "Why are you sorry?" He asked softly.

"I-I should've done something...I don't know if you want kids or not.." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"Hey...there's nothing we could've done about it.." he said. "We both just...forgot."

"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

He shook his head. "This is good.." he said, as if trying to reassure himself as well. "We'll have a baby together...I mean, if you're ready for it.."

"I think I am." I nodded a little.

He took a deep breath. "Good.." he said. A smile slowly appeared on his face. "We're having a baby."

I smiled as well. "We're having a baby." I repeated.

He suddenly wrapped his arms around me, giving me a tight hug. "I love you, Em." He said. "Nothing can ever change that."

"I love you, too, Patrick." I buried my face in the crook of his neck, Taking a deep breath.

Knowing that he wasn't angry with me lifted a huge weight from my shoulders.

Suddenly, it felt like all of our problems were gone. Everything that troubled us before had been erased.

We could start over, zero problems or worries.

And I couldn't wait to start again, finally having a family of my own.

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now