23. You Don't Like Me The Way I Am

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Once we made it to Mom's house, we both got out of the car as I looked up at the house.

"Oh my gosh, it looks exactly the same.." I mumbled.

Patrick came over and took my hand in his, lifting it up to his lips to place a soft kiss on it.

We both started walking up the steps, and before we reached the door, mom opened it.

"Hey, Guys!" She Said. "Come on in."

We approached the door, and she let us in.

"Do you mind taking off your shoes? I just got the floors waxed." She Said, making her way back into the kitchen.

Patrick leaned down, taking off his nice dress shoes, as I toed off my heels, setting then neatly by the door.

I looked down at Patrick's feet, smiling a bit.

"My gosh, Patrick, my feet are bigger then yours." I laughed.

He chuckled a bit as Abigail walked into the room.

"Oh, hey.." she mumbled.

I rolled my eyes a bit. She seemed just overjoyed to see me.

She went back into the kitchen, and I looked over at Patrick.

"Wow.." he mumbled.

"I know.." I groaned.

Jenna walked in, looking at both of us.

"Yay, you made it!" She Exclaimed. "I had to stop at the store to grab something."

She pulled a bottle of wine out of a paper bag.

"What's the occasion?" I Asked.

"Well..." she started. "We're all together. This never happens since you stayed in Chicago."

I bit my lip, looking down a bit. "Right.."

There was a moment of silence, then mom stepped in.

"Dinner's Ready." She Said.

"Oh, good!" Jenna quickly perked up. "Come on, guys."

Patrick and I exchanged glances before following Jenna into the kitchen, where Abigail and Elizabeth were already sitting at the table.

"Go ahead, Sit, Guys." Mom Said.

Patrick and I found a couple of chairs beside each other so we could be close, and sat down. Jenna went and sat next to Abigail and Elizabeth, and Mom sat at the end of the table.

We all started putting food on our plates, in complete silence. I was at least expecting some small talk, but really? They didn't even have the decency to speak to me or Patrick?

It was the same awkward silence as we ate, and I felt a familiar wave of nausea come over me.

"I'll be back.." I Said in a rushed tone, pushing my chair away from the table and running to the bathroom.

I hadn't noticed, but Jenna had gotten up and ran after me. She stepped into the room and shut the door as I leaned over the toilet, throwing up again.

She stood there for a moment, then something seemed to dawn on her.

I looked up at her, biting my lip.

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now