12. Take Your Tears, Put Them On Ice

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When I awoke, Patrick was gone, and the sunlight coming through the large front window was blinding.

I sat up, stretching a little. I began looking around, wondering where Patrick had gone to.

I suddenly heard singing, and stood up, looking around.

"Baby, you were my picket fence, I miss missing you now and then.."

I smiled a bit, hearing Patrick sing the familiar song.

I began walking in the direction of the sound, and ended up down the hallway, where the bathroom was.

I guessed he was showering, because I heard water running along with his voice.

I nodded a bit, knowing that he was okay, then went back and sat on the couch.

I sat there for a moment, just thinking.

Poor Patrick. Pete had hit him really hard.

And Pete. Just the thought of him at the time made me wanna punch a wall. But, I decided to call him anyway, to let him know how Patrick was, and to yell at him.

I stood up, pacing as the phone rang. After a few rings, Pete answered.


"Pete." I mumbled.

"Emma! How's patrick?" He asked.

I sighed. "He cried himself to sleep." I Said. "Pete, you hit him hard. His face was all purple and swollen. I haven't even seen it this morning, but I have a feeling it's worse.."

"Wait, you stayed with Patrick?"

"Yeah. Why?" I Asked.

"Nothing. Never mind." He mumbled, the slightest bit of amusement in his voice.

"Pete, knock it off!" I Shouted. "You hurt Patrick! Don't you think he's been through enough?"

"I-I wasn't thinking, okay?" He shouted back. "It just...happened."

Suddenly, I heard something from the bathroom, and looked up. "Ow!"

I put my phone down on the table, and without thinking, I burst into the bathroom.

Thankfully, I realized very quickly that Patrick had only stubbed his toe.

The second thing I noticed was that he was only wearing a towel.

And he also saw me standing there.

"Shit!" I Shouted, shutting the door quickly. "I-I'm Sorry!"

To my surprise, he laughed a bit.

I took a deep breath, going back into the living room and picking up my phone.

"Emma?" Pete Asked. "Where were you? Did I hear yelling?"

"Pete, I have to go." I mumbled.

"Why? Is everything okay?" He Asked.

"Everything's fine." I Said. "Patrick's just Out of the shower."

I didn't want Patrick to know that I was on the phone with Pete. I was sure he was just as mad at him as I was.

"Okay." He Said quietly. "Talk later?"



I took the phone away from my ear, hanging up. I slid my phone in my pocket, and sat down.

A few minutes later, Patrick came out, now dressed. I winced a bit upon seeing his face.

It definitely looked worse.

He cleared his throat a bit, coming to sit next to me. "So.."

"I'm sorry, Patrick.." I mumbled. "I just heard a yell...I thought you were hurt."

He laughed a bit. "Yeah.." he said, his cheeks turning pink. "Um...thanks for checking on me."

I nodded a bit, and the room went silent.

"How does your face feel?" I asked quietly.

He sighed. "Worse."

I nodded again, and there continued to be silence.

I looked at the clock, swallowing. "I-I should probably go.." I mumbled.

I stood, grabbing my purse off of the recliner I had left it on last night. I began to walk away, but Patrick stood up, grabbing my arm gently.

"Don't go.." he said quietly.

Don't go? Did he just say what I think he said?

I looked over at him, my eyes meeting his deep blues.

"I-I mean...I like having you here.." he said, clearing his throat. "Can you stay..?"

Stay? He wanted me to stay? My mind was filled with questions, but instead, I just tried to compose myself. I loved hanging out with Patrick, right?

I took a deep breath, nodding. "Y-Yeah...I can stay."

He smiled a bit. "What do you wanna do?" He asked.

I thought for a second. What would there be to do at Patrick's house? I didn't want to impose by suggesting anything, but to be honest, I did really want to see his house.

So I switched into my classic sarcastic tone.

"Well, Stump, I've been waiting for a house tour." I Said.

He laughed a little. "I think I can arrange that." He said. "Come on."

He began walking away, and started following him.

He took me into the kitchen, which I had only seen in the dark before, and switched on the lights.

"This is my kitchen." He said, motioning around him. "Sorry for the Indian food smell. I made Indian food a month ago."

I laughed a bit. "You'll have to burn the house down to get the smell out."

He laughed. "I'd rather smell the curry forever." He said. "Alright, onto the laundry room!"

He turned, walking down a hallway, which led to the laundry room, he opened the door, and I looked in.

"It's a bit messy.." he said. "I wasn't expecting company, to be honest."

I smiled. "It's okay." I Said. "You should see the band's place. It looks like a tornado ripped through it."

He laughed. "It can't be that bad."

"Oh, believe me, it is.." I mumbled, chuckling a bit.

He closed the laundry room door, pointing at the door next to it.

"That's the basement, but I don't really go down there, cause it's, well, dark." He said. "I'll take you upstairs to my room."

He walked back down the hallway, and I followed him. We went back out to the living room, and he led me over to the staircase, which was across from the front door.

We both went upstairs, and stopped at one of the doors, he opened it up, revealing his room, which was slightly messy, but still nowhere close to being as bad as my house.

"My room." He Said, then led me over to the door across from it. "And the guest room."

I looked down the hallway, seeing a couple of doors, each with a name on them.

I recognized them as his kid's names. He still had their rooms there, didn't he?

He noticed me staring at them, and sighed. "The kid's rooms." He Said quietly.

He looked really sad now, so, not quite knowing what to do, I hugged him tightly.

He laid his head on my shoulder, wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me as he began to cry softly.

He was still grieving, and that's What Pete didn't understand. He did need someone here for him, but he just wasn't ready for it yet.

And here I was, here for him.

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now