14. Now I'm Stuck And You Know Too Much

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When we showed up at the studio, Something about Patrick didn't seem right. He was oddly silent as he parked the car, and just looked really uneasy.

I began to worry, of course, because if there was anything wrong with this sweet human being, I was going to be there to tend to his every need.

"Patrick.." I Said, quietly, looking over at him.

To my surprise, he started crying.

I felt awful that Even the thought of going inside there and facing Pete made him cry.

"I'm such an idiot!" He suddenly shouted, his voice high pitched. He hit the steering wheel.

"What?" I Asked. "You're not an idiot.."

"Yes, I am!" He said. "I-I mess everything up! Pete was only trying to be there for me, but I was too stupid to see it! What was I even thinking?"

"Patrick, you're grieving.." I Said. "Everybody goes though grief in a different way, and that was your way. Pete just didn't understand. And he never should've pushed."

"But he cared." He mumbled. "And I'm the worst friend ever."

Without thinking, I held his face in my hands, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Patrick." I Said. "You are amazing, okay? You didn't deserve anything that happened to you. You aren't a bad friend for not knowing how to deal with this grief."

His breath hitched in his throat, and he looked into my eyes. I looked back into his eyes, my hands still on each of his cheeks.

Suddenly, he began leaning in a bit, and his lips hovered over mine.

He was so close, I could almost feel his lips.

Then, suddenly, there was a knock on the window.

We both jumped, looking over, where Alex stood. I rolled down the window.

"Alex.." I Said.

"Where the fuck were you?" He shouted. "We were all calling you!"

"I...I.." I stuttered.

"We went out for lunch." Patrick cut in.

Alex furrowed his eyebrows. "She's been gone all day."

"I was out shopping." I lied.

Of course. Pete didn't tell them where I was, did they? I couldn't wait to see how angry Susan was.

Patrick and I both got out of the car, stepping up to the studio with Alex.

"How is everybody?" I mumbled.

"Well.." Alex chuckled nervously. "We have a bit of a problem.."

He opened the door, and Patrick and I stepped inside.

Ronnie was laying on the couch, fast asleep.

"Why is Ronnie asleep?" I Asked, pointing at him. "Shouldn't he be recording?"

Pete walked In. "Susan got tonsillitis.." he said. "She won't be singing for a couple of weeks."

He looked up, seeing Patrick and wincing when he noticed the bruise.

Patrick swallowed, looking down at his feet.

"What will we do?" I Asked. Pete gave me a look, and I turned red. "N-no.." I mumbled. "I can't sing.."

Patrick looked up at me. "You were going to do a song, anyway.." he said quietly.

"What about that song you wrote?" Pete Asked. "You can sing it with somebody, can't you? So we can at least put out a single?"

"That's why we came." Patrick looked at Pete.

Pete looked at Patrick confusedly, and Patrick walked over, handing him the SD card, then walking back over at me.

Pete walked over to his computer, sticking the SD card in and opening the music file.

He looked at us once more, before pressing play.

The demo of the song filled the room, and Ronnie woke up.

Everybody just listened to it, unreadable expressions on their faces.

Did they like it? Or was it bad?

Why wasn't anybody saying anything?

Is it hot in here, or is it just me??

The demo stopped, and Pete looked up at Patrick and I, a smile growing on his face.

"This is our hit!" He exclaimed. "You guys have to record this song!"

Patrick looked over at me, smiling.

"O-okay.." I Said, biting my lip.. "But does that mean.."

"You're singing the rest of the songs on the debut album?" Pete interrupted. "Yep."

Patrick shook my arm gently, seeming incredibly excited.

That meant I'd be upgraded to the band's singer. What would Susan do? Would she just be rhythm guitarist? But she loved to sing!

"I need a minute." I said quickly, suddenly overwhelmed.

I ran out of the studio without even thinking, and just ran. I didn't want this. I didn't want to get mixed in with Pete and Patrick's fighting, I didn't want to sing for the album, I didn't want to fall in love with Patrick either!

But here I was, stuck in the middle of Pete and Patrick's friendship, possibly the new singer for our band, and head over heels for Patrick.

And I'll say it again.

I was in love with Patrick.

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now