15. The Lights Of The City Were Too Heavy For Me

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I finally stopped running after a while, and sat down on a curb, burying my head in my hands.

Everything had gone so wrong. Why? All I wanted to do was record one song, not the entire album.

I was tired, and so stressed.

And I still wanted to help Pete and Patrick patch things up, since I was in the middle of everything.

I swear, everything was on me suddenly. I was responsible for everything.

I broke down, beginning to cry.

I hated crying. That's why I never cried. I had to be the strong one in the band, and even in my family growing up.

I was just so used to being the strong one, that crying made me feel weak now.

I couldn't let anyone see me cry. Ever.

"Emma?" I heard a quiet voice ask.

"Go away." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

I knew who it was, and I wasn't about to let him see me like this.

He sat next to me on the curb, looking at me with concern in his blue eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I swallowed. "No.." I whimpered. "Things weren't supposed to go like this."

"Like what?" He Asked.

"I don't want to be the singer!" I Shouted, burying my head in my hands. "I-I can't do it.."

Patrick looked down at his feet. "Emma, I love your voice." He said. "You're really good at singing."

"But what about Susan? Susan loves to sing! I'll ruin her life.." I mumbled, tears still streaming down my face.

"Right now, if you don't record the album before the deadline, DCD2 will be in some deep shit, and so will your band." He said, raising his eyebrows a bit.

I bit my lip. "You're right." I Said. "This is just what I have to do, right?"

I looked up at him, looking into his eyes for even a speck of reassurance, which I thankfully got when he smiled a bit, nodding at me.

I swallowed, rubbing my eyes. "Okay.."

He held out his arms, and I just looked at him questioningly.

"I believe they call it a hug." He Said sarcastically, laughing a little.

"Oh...okay.." I Said, leaning over into his arms.

He gave me a loving squeeze, and I buried my face in his chest.

I swear, he smelled so good. Whatever cologne he used was my new favorite smell for sure.

"Are you okay now?" He asked gently.

"Yeah...I think I am." I mumbled into his chest. "Thank you, Patrick."

I pulled away from him, and he smiled. "You're welcome, Emma."

We stared into each other's eyes for a moment, and my breath hitched in my throat.

He began to lean in, so I did as well.

Our lips nearly touched again, so close as they had been before.

"Emma!" I heard, and jerked away.

Pete came running down the sidewalk, looking at Patrick and I. "Emma, why'd you leave?" He asked. "Are you okay?"

Both Patrick and I stood up.

"Yeah, she's fine." Patrick Said.

Pete looked at him for a moment, then looked back at me. "Are you okay?" He asked me instead.

"What Patrick Said." I mumbled.

Pete looked over at Patrick again, and the look on his expression told me that he didn't really want to be looking at him, because he probably didn't want to see what he had done to his face. I'm guessing he felt guilty, like he should.

Pete swallowed, then nodded, averting his gaze from Patrick again.

"What, Pete?" I Asked, looking at him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Nothing." He muttered. "Lets just head back to the studio.."

"Damn it, Pete!" I snapped, and he looked at me, a look of surprise on his face.

"W-What?" He asked, seeming prepared to get defensive.

"Look at your friend!" I Shouted. "Stop avoiding what you did!"

"I'm not avoiding anything." He growled, turning on his heels and beginning to walk away.

I chased after him, Patrick following behind me.

"Pete, turn the fuck around!" I Shouted.

I didn't know exactly what I was doing. I guess I really just wanted the two of them to make up, right here. I knew it wasn't that easy, but I just couldn't stand being in the middle of this anymore.


Pete turned around sharply, pointing his finger in my face. "This is none of your fucking business, got it?" He hissed.

I slapped his hand down. "It became my business when you dragged me into it!"

Patrick placed his hand on my shoulder. "Please, don't fight.." he said softly, trying to be the mediator of the situation.

"I never dragged you into anything!" Pete Shouted.

"What about making me help you out with checking on Patrick? Picking him up because you were too angered to do it?" I Asked, putting my hands on my hips. "Whether you like it or not, this is my business!"

Just as I finished the sentence, the rest of the Suburban Aliens ran up behind Pete, worried looks on their faces. I guessed that they must've heard the shouting from the studio.

Pete glared at me for a moment, his stare cold and unforgiving.

"You're no longer signed by DCD2 records." He said, his voice in a low growl. "I want you gone."

"Pete, no!" Patrick sounded utterly horrified.

"And you." Pete Said, pointing at Patrick. "I-I don't wanna see you!"

He turned around sharply, pushing past Ronnie, Alex, and Susan, who were glaring at me.

The five of us just sat in silence as Pete stomped away, as my eyes began to fill with tears.

I had fucked up. Really, really bad.

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now