18. Don't You Wanna Feel A Little Beautiful?

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Americana, exotica, don't you wanna feel a little beautiful baby?

As I nearly fell asleep on Patrick's chest, I was suddenly scared back into reality by a loud cellphone ringing.

I sat up a little, listening and realizing that it was my ringtone.

"Shit.." I mumbled, grabbing one of the blankets from the bed and wrapping it around myself. I got out of bed, looking around.

"Patrick, where are my pants?" I Asked, looking over at him.

He sat up a little, looking around. "I think they're over by the door."

I looked over, and that it thankfully where they were. I walked over and picked them up,  reaching in the pocket for my ringing phone.

I pulled it out, dropping the jeans back on the floor as I pressed the answer button without even looking at the caller ID first.

"Hello?" I Asked, walking back over and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hey, Em." It was my mom. She didn't call often, and I didn't see her much since she lived up in Minneapolis. "How are you?"

"Uh...pretty good." I mumbled a little, looking over at Patrick who was pulling on a string that came from the sheets. "How about you?"

She sighed a little. "Well, I could be better."  She Said. "I just wanted to tell you that your father passed away a couple days ago."

"What?" I Asked quietly.

I didn't quite know what to feel. My dad and I never had a very good relationship, and he and mom had gotten a divorce when I was young. I didn't see him a lot, because mom acted like she truly hated him.

"How did he die?" I Asked quietly, causing Patrick to look over concernedly.

"He had a heart attack." She mumbled.

She seemed as if she wasn't hurt at all by it, just stressed. I, however, began to think about all of the times I did see dad, and the times where he treated me like he really loved me.

I was pretty sure he did really love me. Mom just hardly allowed me to see him.

I swallowed a little. "When's the funeral?" I Asked.

"Next weekend." She stated. "Are you coming?"

I bit my lip. "Yeah...I'll come.." I mumbled.

There was a moment of silence, then she sighed.

"You know he loved you, right?"

"Yeah.." I Said quietly. "I loved him, too."

After she told me about where the funeral would be and everything, mom said goodbye to me, and hung up.

I set my phone beside me, burying my face in my hands as I took in what I was just told.

I felt Patrick's hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong, Em?" He Asked worriedly.

I began crying, not able to stop it. Patrick pulled me into his arms as I sobbed quietly.

"M-my Dad.." I finally sobbed out. "He's gone.."

"Oh.." he said, running his hand through my hair. "I'm so sorry.."

I took a deep breath, composing myself. "W-we weren't that close.." I mumbled. "Mom didn't let him see me much. It's just...he was my dad.."

I wrapped the blanket around me a little tighter, swallowing back tears as Patrick rubbed my back.

"When is the funeral?" He asked softly.

"Next weekend." I mumbled. "In Minneapolis."

"Do you...want me to go with you?" He asked quietly.

I looked up at him. "You'd do that?"

"I mean, I'd hate for you to be completely alone.." he said.

I smiled a little. "Thank you, Patrick.." I Said. "I'd love to have you there with me."

He smiled a little, then gave a small kiss on the forehead.

"But What about my family?" I Asked, my eyes widening.

"What about your family?" He asked me, a slightly confused expression on his face.

"If you're coming with me.." I mumbled. "Who do I tell them you are? They sure as hell won't believe that you're only a friend.."

He bit his lip a little. "Aren't we more then friends?" He asked, then blushed a little.

I felt my heart skip a bit as his comment. Were we a thing now?

"So...I can tell them.." I started, hesitant to let the words leave my mouth. "You're my boyfriend?"

His blush got a little darker, and he buried his face in my hair.

"If you're okay with that." He said quietly.

"Of course I am, Patrick.." I Said, a small smile creeping up on my face. "But I'm not going to lie to my family. Are you my boyfriend?"

He smiled a little. "I would like to be.."

I kissed him on the cheek. "You're so adorable."

"You're more adorable." He responded, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me on the head. "And you're my girlfriend."

He smiled at me, and I giggled a little.

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now