17. Love, Sex, Death, Till There's Nothing Left

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Patrick stared into my eyes for a moment, then glanced over at his bedroom door, as if he was thinking the same thing I was.

I nodded vigorously, and an excited smile appeared on his lips.

He brought himself to his feet, grabbing my hand as I got off of the couch as well.

The two of us ran to the bedroom like a couple of teenagers about to do it for the first time.

Once we got in, he made sure to shut the door, and even lock it, which I guessed was a habit from having kids in the house before. Whatever it was, though, it was cute.

After he finished, he came over to me, wrapping his arms around me and reconnecting his lips with mine. He lowered his hands back to my waist, playing with the hem of my shirt a bit, before breaking his lips away from mine for a moment to pull it over my head, leaving me in just my bra.

His breath hitched in his throat as he brought his soft lips to my neck, planting some kisses there before finding the spot right below my ear, sucking lightly, causing me to moan a little.

As he did so, I lowered my hands to the hem of his shirt, also breaking away from him as I took it off of him. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he began kissing me again, slipping his hand underneath my legs and picking me up, placing me on the bed, where he propped himself up with his arms above me, not yet pinning me to the bed.

I sat up just enough to wrap my arms around him, deepening the kiss.

He suddenly broke away, and He just gazed at me for a moment, his breath a little unsteady. We both swallowed a little, then undressed ourselves, tossing our clothes somewhere in the room, before we both became one.

A while later, the two of us laid in bed, just staring at the ceiling. The only thing covering both of us were the sheets, and we were still slightly sweaty, especially since the air conditioner in the room wasn't on.

I looked over at Patrick, who looked genuinely happy, and smiled a little, reaching up and running my hand through his hair.

He looked over at me, a small smile growing on his face.

"How're you doing?" I Asked, chuckling a little.

"Probably the same I was the last five times you asked me." He laughed a little, taking my hand from his hair, and bringing it to his lips to place a soft kiss on it. "How are you?"

He looked at me with his blue eyes filling with concern again, and I sighed.

"I don't know.." I mumbled. "I just...didn't think Pete would do something like that.."

I laid my head on his chest, and he hummed a little. "That's the thing," he said. "Pete tends to act on impulse...it worries me sometimes."

"What will I do?" I Asked quietly. "Do you think he'll take me back?"

He bit his lip. "I'll have to talk to him...maybe we can work things out again." He sighed. "I'm really sorry he did that, Em."

"It's not your fault." I Said, looking up at him. "You didn't know he would do that, either.."

He swallowed. "I just...wish I had stopped him."

There was a moment of silence as I buried my face in his chest, breathing in his scent.

"Patrick?" I Asked quietly.


I swallowed a little, the words about to come out of my mouth seeming foreign. I hadn't said them much, at least not in a relationship. They could easily ruin what we had here,  and I knew I was taking a big risk by saying them. However, in the moment, they just seemed so right.

"I love you."

Patrick's breath hitched in his throat a little, and he looked down at me.

"I love you, too, Emma." He said sweetly, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.

I smiled, taking a deep breath and shutting my eyes a little.

Even if the band didn't work out, and everyone left me, I would still have him, right?

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now