6. And Now I'm Just Numb

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Pete's POV

After saying goodbye to Ronnie, Susan, Alex, and Emma, I was on my way to drive Patrick home. Andy and Joe had gotten a cab, so now, it was just me and Patrick.

I looked over at him, and he had his earbuds in and was looking at his phone.

"Hey, Patrick?" I Asked.

After he continued staring at his phone, I reached over and tapped his arm.

He looked up at me, taking his earbuds out. "Yeah?"

"How was hanging out with Emma?" I Asked.

He shrugged. "I drank too much."

"You were laughing a lot." I stated.

"From the drinks." He Said.

"You were happier than I've seen you in months."

"Pete." He said firmly. "I know what you're doing. Don't, Okay?"

"You need to at least have friends." I Said. "If someone's gonna help you get out of this pit of sadness, you have to let them in."

"I'm fine." He said, using that exasperated tone that everybody knows about. "I wish everyone would just leave me alone."

I scoffed. "Leave you alone?" I Asked. "Patrick, we've been trying to help you through this. We care about you, and we wouldn't leave you to go through it alone."

"Sometimes I wish you would." He mumbled, looking out the window.

I looked over at him, shocked. "You know what? Fine then." I Said, then pulled over to the side of the road and parked.

I crossed my arms over my chest, and Patrick looked around. "What are you doing?"

"Don't want my help anymore? You can walk home." I Said.

"Are you kidding me right now?" He asked. "I was talking about the constant asking me if I'm okay. I'm not going to fucking kill myself, Pete!"

"I don't know that!" I Shouted. "Hell, I've gone through stuff like this myself, I just don't wanna lose you!"

"You're not going to!" He Said. "I just need some space, man."

I gazed out the window, swallowing back tears. "Fine. Go have your space." I Said, my voice breaking.

He shook his head in disbelief, then scoffed, and opened the car door. He stood outside for a moment, then slammed it shut.

He began walking down the street, and I broke into tears. Patrick was my friend, and he was hurting. I just wanted to help, but why couldn't he understand that? It had been so emotionally draining for him, and for all of us. I just didn't want to lose him, I had seen for too many people die after such traumatic experiences, especially the people who pretending that nothing was wrong.

But if he didn't want my help, How was I supposed to keep him from letting his mind get the best of him?

Then, looking back at when he was talking with Emma, I looked up, rubbing the tears from my eyes.

Patrick had been so happy when talking to her, and even if he had been a bit tipsy, I could tell he had been genuinely happy.

Right now, he needed that in his life.

Without thinking any further, I picked up my phone, dialing Emma's number.

Emma's POV

Susan, Alex, and Ronnie still hadn't quite wrapped their heads around the fact that we just met Fall Out Boy themselves, and just got signed by Pete Wentz.

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