9. You Are What You Love, Not Who Loves You

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Pete's POV

"In the next three months."


I sat back in my chair, chuckling awkwardly. "That's what they said, anyway."

"Fine. They better have something good, Wentz, because if they don't," The man on the phone said. "I smell trouble for DCD2."

I nodded. "Okay.."

The man hung up, and I let out a long sigh.

What had Emma been thinking? This all could get me in deep trouble. I just hoped she really did have material to record, because, if she didn't, there was no way I could keep The Suburban Aliens signed.

And after seeing so much potential in them, I couldn't just ditch them like that.

Emma's POV

I sat at my desk, a pile of papers in my hands. I had been going through them for hours, and only found three that had suitable lyrics. The others were just depressing junk that I had written as a teenager.

Ronnie walked in, clearing his throat. "Are you hungry? Susan brought Subway for lunch."

"I'm fine." I Said.

"Em, you haven't eaten anything since you told Pete we could record an album that fast." He said. "That was three days ago."

"I just...need to find something to record." I Said, setting the stack of papers down on my desk.

"You know that we still have our early 2000's stuff." He said, coming over and sitting on his bed that was next to my desk. "And Susan has a few songs.."

"This is my fault, Ronnie." I Said, laying my head in my hands. "I...I need to help."

"But you don't have to stress yourself." He said. "Eat something, calm down a bit."

"What if we fail?" I Asked quietly. "It'll be because of me.."

"Don't talk like that." He said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "We won't fail."

"But if we do?" I Asked.

"I'll be here. So will Susan and Alex." He said. "And Together, we'll keep trying."

He held out his arms for a hug, and I leaned into his embrace.

"It'll be okay, Em." He said.

"I hope so."

One week later..

"Emma, calm down." Susan whined, watching me as I tapped my foot repeatedly on the floor.

I stopped, taking a deep breath. "Sorry."

"Where the heck is Pete?" She Said, looking at the watch on her wrist.

"Late again, apparently." Ronnie mumbled.

"We can't get into the studio till he gets here." Alex Said, rattling the handle to the door. "It's locked."

"Damn it, Pete." Ronnie Said.

"Just give him time." I Said, beginning to tap my foot again. "He'll show."

Honestly, I was kind of nervous because I hadn't heard anything about Patrick. I wasn't sure if anything had happened to him, and I really hoped he was okay. Pete hadn't even called me until yesterday, when he told us to meet him at this studio.

"What is with this dude and always being late?" Susan Asked.

"Maybe he should set his clocks early." Alex joked.

"Ha ha." Ronnie Laughed unemotionally.


We all looked up, and Pete was rushing over.

"Look who's finally here.." Susan Said to herself.

"I am so sorry.." he said. "I accidentally slept in."

He pulled some keys out of his pocket, coming over and unlocking the door. "You guys can come in, do whatever.."

Pete held the door open, and Ronnie, Susan, and Alex went inside.

"Pete?" I Asked, stepping up to him.

He looked up at me.

"How's Patrick?"

He looked down at the ground. "He hasn't talked to me."

"Do you want me to check on him?" I Asked.

"You can, Maybe after we get to work a bit." He said. "I've got some great producers for you."

I nodded, then went inside, Pete following me.

"So, can I see one of your songs?" Pete asked me.


"You write them, right?"

"S-some of them.."

"Well, what's that?" He asked, looking at my bottom for some odd reason.

"My ass?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He immediately turned red and began to panic. "No, no, no...I mean the thing in your pocket."

I pulled the piece of paper out of my pocket. "It's a song."

He grabbed it from me, and I scoffed. "Hey!"

"Just let me see." He said, unfolding it and looking at it.

He read it for more than a minute, and didn't say a word.

This is it, I thought. This is the end.

"This is good." He said.


"This is good." He smiled at me. "But you need male vocals for it?"

"It's a duet." I Said, scratching my neck.

"I don't sing!" Ronnie Shouted from the other room.

"She already asked me and I gave her a big fat no." Alex, Who was still in the room with me and Pete, Said.

Pete nodded. "Well, I'll find an artist to collab with Susan on this." He said. "They're good lyrics, Emma."

"Thank you." I Said, smiling at him.

He nodded, handing me my lyrics back. He went into the other room, and I sat on the couch.

I thought about getting up and going to check on Patrick.

Since they were all in the other room, could I make it across Chicago and back without them noticing?

Probably not.

But I did it anyway.

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now