21. Call Me When You're In The City Again

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That night with Pete had gone well. He apologized millions of times for what he had said and done, and of course, I did as well, because I was also to blame for the whole predicament.

We ended up calling Ronnie, Susan, and Alex, and he told us that we were back in DCD2, and we could still make the deadline if possible.

So, thankfully, we weren't without a record contract for a full 24-hours.

However, now with that problem solved, Patrick and I still had to head up to Minneapolis for my dad's funeral.

The rest of the week and the beginning of the next we spent preparing and packing, Patrick even packing one of his nicest black suits to make a good impression, and of course look nice for my father's funeral.

I ended up packing a black dress, with some black heels, not wanting to go for anything crazy like my mom most likely would, since I wasn't going to be on the freaking red carpet or something.

Once Friday came, we started for Minnesota, since the funeral was the next day. That way, we'd have enough time to settle into the hotel, and rest for a while.

Patrick and I had made a deal that we'd switch who was driving halfway, but, to settle who would drive first, we drew straws.

I can gladly say that I was enjoying some relaxation in the passenger seat for the first half of the ride.

Patrick ended up sticking in an Elvis Costello CD, despite my many efforts to get him to put anything else in. But, he was the one driving, and it was only fair that he'd get to pick the music for the first half of the ride, which consisted of mainly David Bowie, Elvis Costello, and Michael Jackson.

Other than Patrick getting excited over getting to play his music, another thing I found adorable was how he sang every song all the way through. My heart especially melted when the song 'She' came on, and he sang every lyrics so soulfully, occasionally looking over at me with a small smile on his face.

I still honestly couldn't believe he was my boyfriend now. He was perfect, and it made me so upset that his wife would just up and leave him like that.

Of course, if she hadn't left him, he wouldn't be mine, so, it was a good thing, I guess.

I was just glad to know that there was a silver lining to everything. Through all of the fights, tears, and crap over the past months, everything still turned out perfect.

My band didn't hate me, we were still signed by Pete, Pete and Patrick were friends again, and Patrick and I were dating now.

Things were Perfect, and it was nice to feel that weight from before lifted off my shoulders.

However, when I saw that 'Welcome to Minnesota' sign, that weight came right back.

I hadn't really thought about it, but coming back here would be really stressful. I'd have to introduce Patrick to family, which wasn't that much of a problem, but that meant I had to introduce my family to Patrick, and I swear, he'd think they were fucking nut jobs.

Not only that, but my mom being my mom would make this trip a living hell for me, and my sisters, who were a lot like her, would most likely stir up some kind of trouble.

On top of all of that, my dad's girlfriend would be going to the funeral, and I can only imagine how 'civil' my mom will be.

After we made it across the boarder of Minnesota, we stopped as a gas station, where we got out to use the restroom, fill up the gas tank, and get more snacks.

I filled the gas tank while Patrick used the bathroom, leaning against the car and picking at my nails.

A soft sigh escaped my lips as I thought about how crappy this weekend would be. I didn't know if I'd even make it through tomorrow without internally combusting, and here my mom was pressuring me to stay till next Tuesday.

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