8. It's Never Getting Any Better Than This

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Patrick's POV

The moment I opened my eyes in the morning, I knew that Pete would've called, and that there would be hundreds of texts from him. But honestly, I was done with him at the moment, and didn't even want to look.

Why couldn't he understand that I just wanted to be left alone? I was fine, and the constant pestering was getting annoying.

I mean, I knew it was coming from a place of love, but my word.

When I reached over and picked up my phone, the moment I had turned the screen on, sure enough, I had gotten texts and calls from Pete.

Thank goodness I had my phone on silent, I thought. Or I wouldn't have slept at all.

I tapped the icon for the messaging apps and scrolled up to Pete's first text, which came after about ten missed calls.

Pete: Patrick, please answer when you can.

Pete: I know you don't want to hear this anymore, but we're truly worried about u. Text me back if you can.

Pete: I know it's late, but are u okay? Worried since ur not texting back.

There were multiple other texts, but at that point, I was sure I knew what they all said. I angrily texted back.

Patrick: I'm fine, okay?

It took a few seconds, then Pete answered.

Pete: I don't want u to go through this alone. We're here for you.

I slammed my phone down.

There it was again. This was what I've had to put up with every day since my family left. He was only rubbing salt in my wounds, bringing it up all the time. It'd be easier for me just forget. That way I wouldn't have to grieve anymore.

Why couldn't he understand?

Emma's POV

"What'd he say?" Ronnie immediately Asked.

I took a moment to process what just happened, and when it hit me, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Um...we're going to the studio." I Said, looking up at the three of them.

"When?" Alex Asked, smiling.

I looked down. "Pretty soon.." I mumbled.

"Sorry, What?" Ronnie Asked.

I looked back up. "We're gonna try to record an album in the next few months." I repeated.

"We Only Have a few months?" Alex Asked.

"Who does Pete think he is?" Susan Said, crossing her arms over her chest. "That's it, we can't stay."

"No!" I Shouted.

"If he's gonna treat us like shit with a deadline like that.." she started.

"It was me." I interrupted. "If you had been listening while I was on the phone instead of making sure you were tagged in a post, you would've known."

"What are you talking about?" Ronnie Asked.

"I panicked." I Said. "I told him that we could do it that soon."

Susan stepped closer, grabbing my shoulder roughly. "Emma, What the hell were you thinking?" She growled.

"I wasn't!" I Said. "I just...was stressed."

"About what?" She Shouted, letting go of me and running her hand through her hair. "Everything was going perfectly! What are we even going to record?"

"Well.." I Said, looking down. "I used to write songs when I was a teenager. We could put out those, and re-record our old singles."

"There's no way.." Ronnie Said.

"You have to change the deadline!" Susan Shouted.

"I can't! It's set and done!" I Shouted back, burying my head in my hands. "We at least have to try."

Alex nodded. "We can't lose this opportunity." He said. "Where will we go if we do?"

Susan took a deep breath. "If any of this goes wrong," She Said, then looked at me. "This is all on you."

I nodded. "Okay.." I Said. "That's fair enough."

Susan nodded. "And you're sure there's no way to change it?"

"I'm sure." I sighed.

She groaned. "I'm done letting you make decisions, Emma." She Said. "Every time. This happens every time."

She left the room, and Ronnie and Alex looked at me.

"She's in a bitchy mood." Ronnie mumbled.

"When isn't she?" Alex Asked, chuckling a bit.

"It's my fault." I Said, sighing. "I shouldn't have panicked."

"Yeah, What's got you so stressed, anyway, Em?" Ronnie Asked, sitting next to me on the edge of my bed.

I shook my head. "Nothing...it's just.." I Said. "Everything that's happened. It's crazy, you know?"

Both he and Alex nodded.

"Just don't listen to Susan." Alex Said. "We all know she's perpetually in a bad mood."

I nodded, and Ronnie patted me on the back. "This will all work out, I'm sure of it."

"I wish I was." I mumbled.

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now