4. Don't Look In The Mirror, Look Into My Eyes

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Despite Pete's efforts of shoving me in his small car with Patrick, Andy, Joe, and of course him, to keep a conversation going, it was incredibly awkward. Especially since I was squished against Patrick, and he was squished against the car door.

It was still very unreal; I was smooshed in the backseat with Joe Trohman and Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy, not to mention that we were going out to eat with them. Like, seriously, the band that I spent all of my teenage years listening to was in a car with me.

And Pete's car.

And I was practically laying my head on Patrick- my teen crush's - shoulder.

And then I made the mistake of turning my head to look at him.

And my nose hit the visor-thingy of his cap.

And did I mention that I get nosebleeds easily?


Blood. Everywhere.

All over me, all over Joe, and of course, because I have the worst fortune in the world,

All over Patrick.

Of course, he was worried as heck. And kept apologizing, over and over again, even though it was my fault.

"What happened?" Pete Asked, looking through the rear view mirror. His eyes widened when he saw that I was drenched in blood and attempting to cover my nose with my hand, whilst still squished between Joe and Patrick.

"Who punched her?" He asked.

"Nobody!" Joe protested. "I don't even know what happened."

"I hit my nose on the bill of Patrick's cap." I Said, hoping he could hear me since my voice was muffled from my hand covering my nose.

"And you got a nosebleed?" Pete Asked, his left eyebrow raising in confusion.

"I get nosebleeds easily.." I Said.

Pete looked back at us one more time, most likely to determine the damage, before saying, "We'll stop and get you cleaned up quick."

After a couple of minutes, he pulled into a gas station parking lot, and Patrick opened the door to let me out.

Still holding my nose, as it was still bleeding, I ran inside, quickly heading to the bathroom.

I went in, grabbing as much toilet paper as possible and holding it to my nose.

I sighed as I looked in the mirror.

I was a wreck.

Great first impression.

I tilted my head up, closing my eyes a bit.

"It's better if you tilt your head down." I heard, and looked over at the door.

Patrick was standing there, covered in blood, but still looking concerned for me.

"Do you need any help?" He asked.

I bit my lip. "I think the bleeding's stopped now.." I Said, then sighed. "Man, I am so sorry.."

"For what? Pete's car is cramped like heck." he said, then chuckled a bit. "Now Pete, he should be sorry."

I smiled. "Seriously though, it's nobody's fault but mine." I Said. "I shouldn't have turned my head so quickly, especially when I was so close to you.."

"Are you sure you're okay, though?" He asked. "You didn't break anything?"

"I'm okay." I Said, nodding.

I took the toilet paper off of my nose, crumpled it up, and threw it away.

"What are we gonna Do about our clothes?" I Asked, looking down at my blood drenched shirt.

"Uh...I don't know.." he said, looking down at his.

"Well, thankfully you can't see the blood on yours much, since it's black," I Said. "But I doubt you want my blood on you."

He shrugged. "I've had worse."

Pete peeked in. "Hey, Emma," he said. "You Alright?"

I nodded.

"I just cleaned out the backseat of my car." he said. "We could grab you a new T-shirt from the gift shop."

I pulled my wallet out of my pocket. "Yeah, I should probably change considering my shirt is white."

"At least let me pay for it." Patrick Said.

"I couldn't make you do that." I Said. "It's my fault I got a nosebleed."

"Remember? It's Pete's." He said, pointing at Pete.

Pete shrugged. "Just let him pay for it, or he won't stop harassing you about it."

I laughed. "Fine.." I Said. "But I'm paying for lunch."

Patrick opened his mouth to protest, and Pete Interrupted. "Well just spilt it."

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now