3. I Never Really Feel A Thing

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Patrick's POV

My phone had been ringing off the hook all morning. Why couldn't Pete leave me alone? Sure, I had been depressed since the incident happened, but I was fine. Anyway, I was only in my room writing songs. Most likely, he was just worried because I wasn't at his house anymore, since he had decided that it would be best if I stayed with him. I wasn't that depressed. I was sad, but fine.

Of course, I knew that he had been through the same thing before, and he was only worried about me, which I was thankful for.

But I needed my space. To be able to come back home and come up with songs since I was now all alone.

Couldn't I just be alone for a few hours?

Apparently not, because Andy and Joe showed up at my door, and practically dragged me out of the house, saying that "Pete was looking everywhere" for me.

They took me out to Andy's car, and on the way, they tried to call Pete. There had been no answer, so they began talking about how they should let Pete know that I was fine.

Emma's POV

"Sign here, and then there.."

I couldn't believe it; we were finally getting signed. And by the Pete Wentz.

What could be better than this?

Pete handed me a pen, then slid the contract over to me.

"Just sign in those three places." He said, smiling at me.

I bit my lip and wrote my name in two of the spots on the paper, then heard someone walk into the studio and looked up.

My mouth dropped open when I realized who it was.

Joe Trohman and Andy Hurley.

"Guys...What're you doing here?" Pete Asked, standing up. "Is Patrick okay?"

"He's Out in the car." Joe Said.

"No I'm not." Another voice said.

The next person who came through the door literally made my heart stop.

It was Patrick.

Patrick Stump.

The crush I had as a teenager.

Actually, the only crush I've ever had.

Standing right in front of me.

"We found him." Andy Said.

"Clearly." Pete Replied. "Patrick, where'd you go?"

"My house." Patrick Said. "And I see that you're busy here, so I'll be on my way."

Pete took Patrick by the arm and pulled him over to the couch. "Sit." He said.

"I'm not a dog."

"Sit." Pete Said again.

Patrick rolled his eyes and sat down on the couch, Andy and Joe walking over and doing the same.

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now