16. In The End, I'd Do It All Again

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After getting screamed at by Alex, who was stepping in for the voiceless Susan, in public for almost half an hour, Patrick finally got him to calm down enough so we could leave.

We ended up in his car, and he began to drive as I let go of all of the built up emotion I had inside of me.

I began sobbing loudly, covering my face with my hands.

"Patrick, I'm so sorry.." I sobbed out, and Patrick looked at me, his eyes full of empathy.

"Shh...it's okay.." he cooed, reaching a hand over to rub my shoulder.

"I fucked everything up.." I cried. "This is all my fault! I've r-ruined everything!"

"Please Don't blame yourself." He said, giving my arm a loving squeeze. "This isn't your fault."

I let out a sigh, still covering my face as I sobbed brokenly.

This was it, I messed up.

Pete kicked us off DCD2. We'd have to start all over again, which could take years. It took us this long to get here, and I ruined it.

I hadn't realized it, but Patrick had parked outside of his house. He looked over at me, hesitantly reaching a hand over and running it through my hair.

"I'm so sorry.." he sighed. "I-I'll fix this, I promise."

I swallowed, looking up at him. "How?" I Asked quietly.

"I don't know yet." He mumbled. "But I'll do something."

I nodded, and he wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into his embrace. I buried my face in his chest, letting out a sigh.

"Wanna go inside?" He asked softly, running his hand through my hair.

I nodded a little, and he opened up his door, getting out and coming around to my side, where he opened that door as well.

I swallowed back the tears that were still forming in my eyes, trying to ignore the lump in my throat as I stepped out of the car, shutting the door.

Patrick wrapped his arm around me, and the two of us began to walk up to his house. I looked down at my feet as we walked, the silence making me want to burst out crying even more.

We finally reached the door, and Patrick fumbled in his pockets for the keys. Before I knew it, he was nudging me inside, and we entered the dark, slightly chilly house.

As he closed the door, everything really set in for me.

The Suburban Aliens career was done, and likely my friendship with Ronnie, Susan, and Alex.

We had tried since we were teenagers to get signed, and now? We had no time left. I ruined our last shot of actually getting people to listen to our music. The dream we had finals achieved was gone, out of our grasp forever.

And it was all because of me.

I broke down, falling to my knees with a loud sob. Patrick brought himself to his knees beside me, taking me into his arms and squeezing me tightly as I cried, loud gasps escaping my throat.

I buried my face in his chest as he ran his hands through my hair, trying to comfort me by whispering that everything would be alright.

After a while of sitting on the floor, Patrick was able to help me up and get me over to the couch, where I continued to bury my face in his clothing and sob.

I finally stopped for a moment, closing my eyes with a broken sigh, causing Patrick to look down at me, concern still filling his ocean blue eyes.

"Can I get you anything?" He asked softly.

I shook my head a little, looking up at him. "Thank you, Patrick.." I Said quietly.

"For what?" He asked, a small smile growing on his lips.

"Everything...after all you've been through, being here for me.." I mumbled. "Thank you."

He bit his lip a little. "You've been here for me more than I have for you." He said. "Thank you."

"I messed everything up." I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Please stop blaming yourself." He said, then reached his hands up, grabbing my face gently like I had done to him in the car earlier today.

I giggled a little, and he smiled, seemingly relieved to see me happy.

However, both of our smiles slowly faded as we stared into each other eyes, and before I knew it, we were both leaning in.

Honestly, I almost expected a phone to ring, or for someone to knock on the door, after all the times we had tried to kiss had gotten interrupted.

But, I finally felt his soft lips connect with mine.

The kiss started out gentle, but I reached my hands over to the back of his head, pulling him closer and deepening it. I ran my fingers through his reddish-blond hair, tugging on it a bit as I felt him bite on my lower lip a little.

I felt his hands work their way down to my waist, where he pulled my body closer to his.

One of his hands traveled down to my thigh, where he gave me a light squeeze. I bit down on his lip a little like he had done to me earlier, and he let out a soft moan.

I hummed a little, and he pulled away from me, staring into my eyes for a moment, then glancing over at his bedroom door, as if he was thinking the same thing I was.

I nodded vigorously, and an excited smile appeared on his lips.

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now