7. Remember Me For Centuries

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After we got to Patrick's house, the two of us sat in the car for a moment, staring out the windshield.

"I guess I'll go now." Patrick Said, looking over at me and finally breaking the silence.

"Oh, yeah." I Said, giving him a small smile.

He opened up his door and stepped out.

"See you later." I Said.

"You too." He replied, then shut the door.

I watched him go up to his house and unlock the door, and when he stepped in, I took a deep breath.

I knew he was suspicious that I knew what had happened, but at least I had kind of saved myself there. Another thing I knew was that Pete owed me; big time.

On my way back home, the clouds above became darker, and now had a low rumble as it began to sprinkle. Before going home, I had to pick up some Cheetos for Ronnie, since I didn't want him to be suspicious, too. Thankfully, I made it home before it started pouring, though it seemed like that would be coming soon.

I stepped inside the house, placing my bag on the floor and kicking off my shoes.

Everyone lifted their heads up, still sitting in the same places they had been before I left.

"Hey, Guys." I Said.

"Did you get my Cheetos?" Ronnie immediately Asked.

"Yup." I Said, tossing the back over at him.

He smiled and licked his lips as he opened them. "Thanks."

"What took you so long?" Susan Asked, her arms crossed over her chest, and her eyebrow raised.

"The store." I Said.

"And you only bought Cheetos?" She Asked.

"I just had to pick something small up." I Said. "It's in my purse."

I picked up my purse and slung it over my shoulder, then walked out of the room with Susan's eyes on me the entire time. I went into my bedroom and laid my purse on the bed, sighing.

What a day.

I awoke when the sunlight came through my window, and sat up, looking around. A single blanket was laying on top of me, and I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I rubbed my eyes, yawning. Yesterday had worn me out, for sure. I heard a yawn come from next to me, and looked over, seeing Ronnie laying in his bed.

Oh yeah, did I mention that Ronnie and I share a bedroom? There aren't enough rooms for all of us, as there are only two, so the four of us split them. Thankfully, I ended up with Ronnie. He's very clean, unlike Alex, who still leaves his dirty socks laying around.

"Ronnie?" I Asked, stretching a bit.

"Yeah?" He asked, sitting up.

"When did I fall asleep?"

"Right after you came in here. Like, five or something." He said. "You slept through supper, though."

"No big loss." I mumbled.

"Well, just don't forget to have breakfast." He said, pulling out his phone and starting to text someone.

"Why?" I Asked, mostly just to test him, because I knew exactly what his answer would be.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." He said, giving me a glare. "Yet again, I've told you this like, fifty times, and you're just being a di-"

"Emma!" Alex called from the kitchen, interrupting Ronnie's insult for me. He ran into the room, handing me his phone. "Look!"

I looked at the Instagram post on Alex's phone, a smile growing on my face.

"Wait, What does it say?" Ronnie asked.

"Welcome to new DCD2 band, The Suburban Aliens. So glad you're part of our family now." I read, then looked up at Ronnie. "He also put the YouTube links to some of our songs."

"If Pete Wentz posted about us, that means.." Alex started.

"Millions of people know who we are!" I exclaimed, jumping out of bed.

Ronnie got out of bed, and the three of us started jumping together.

"What the hell is happening?" A tired Susan Asked, walking in and scratching her head.

"Pete Wentz posted about us!" Ronnie exclaimed.

She quickly pulled her phone out of her pocket. "He better have tagged us." She mumbled.

The three of us started jumping again, laughing as we did.

Maybe things wouldn't be so bad. Maybe we'd just make it after all.

We continued jumping until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, which I had left in there after falling asleep.

"Hold on, guys." I Said, quitting my jumping and pulling my phone out of my pocket. I felt my heart skip a bit when I saw the name. "It's Pete."

"Answer it!" Ronnie Exclaimed.

I chuckled a bit. Little did they know everything I went through yesterday. They probably thought that this was my first call from Pete.


I answered the phone, bringing it up to my ear.

"Hey! Did you see the post?" Pete Asked, sounding like he was in his normal cheery mood.

"Yeah!" I Said, laughing a bit. "We're all excited about it."

"Well, this means that a lot of Fall Out Boy's fans are gonna be fans of yours." He said. "And that means we should start working on an album soon."

"Oh, yeah, definitely." I Said.

"When would you like to start?" He asked.

"We have to figure this out now?" I Asked, sitting down on the end of my bed.

"Well...I'm kind of being pressured into getting an exact date." He said. I heard a pen tapping in the background. He was clearly stressed, and trying to hide it.

"Is a few months good?" I Asked, biting on the inside of my lip.

I had no idea how much time it took to make a record. All we had ever recorded were some singles, which even took quite some time.

I could hear Pete's eyebrow furrow. "What?"

"A few months.." I repeated, beginning to feel a bit of self doubt.

"I know this is kind of necessary, Emma, so have you even written any songs?" He Asked.

"Of course, Pete. And we could put out old songs." I Said. "Besides, you and Patrick are constantly talking about how you used to have to write in the studio. If you can do it, so can we."

"Are you sure? I send this in and it's set in stone." He said.

"I'm sure." I Said.

"Okay. Talk to you later." He said, doubt clear in his voice.

"Talk to you later." I replied, pulling the phone away from my ear.

"What'd he say?" Ronnie immediately Asked.

I took a moment to process what just happened, and when it hit me, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

There was no way a few months would be enough. I mean, some people are in the studio for a full year.

What the hell am I getting myself into?

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now