13. You Were The Song Stuck In My Head

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After Patrick composed himself again, he continued the house tour, taking me to his studio room last.

We went in, and he closed the door, walking over and pulling out a couple of chairs.

He motioned for me to sit, and I did.

I looked around as he sat in his chair, admiring the room a bit.

He had guitars hanging on the wall, and an entire shelf filled with records, tapes, and CDs.

On his large desk sat a couple of computers, and around the room, there were various instruments, including a piano, drums, keyboards, and more miscellaneous stuff.

"So, do you write songs?" He asked.

I nodded a bit. "Yeah." I Said. "I have this song I want to record, but it needs male vocals."

"Really?" He asked, turning to face me. "Can I hear it?"

"Hear it?" I Asked, blinking surprisedly. "I-I mean, I have it here.."

I pulled the folded up sheet of paper out of my pocket, handing it to Patrick.

He unfolded it, adjusting his glasses and reading it.

There was silence while I just watched him.

Suddenly, he began humming, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

Was he writing a tune for my song? Would I not have to depend on the band to come up with something?

"I like this." He said, then looked at me eagerly. "Can I sing it with you?"

"Oh...I don't sing.." I mumbled.

"Nonsense." he Said.

"But Susan...she's the singer of the band." I Said.

"Would it hurt to have one song that you sing?" He asked.

He seemed like he really wanted to do this. Should, I agree? But would Susan be mad at me? What about Pete?

"I mean.." I mumbled. "Sure..?"

He smiled. "We can do it here!" He exclaimed. "Do you feel like singing now?"

"Um...okay.." I Said.

He stood up, running over and grabbing a couple of microphones, pulling them closer, then grabbing his guitar, which was laying on the floor.

He slipped the strap over his head, then began playing a tune. "We can do a demo, then take it to the band." He said. "How does this sound?"

He played the tune again, and I nodded. "That's really good."

The two of us stayed in his studio for hours, taking the demo over and over again until it just felt right.

I discovered that I really loved hanging out with Patrick. He was a lot of fun when he got excited, and great to talk to.

I just hoped the band wouldn't be mad that I didn't show up at the studio today. We only had a two week deadline, and me not being there could really fuck things up for us.

Hopefully they wouldn't kick me out something, because I wouldn't know what I would do.

After four hours of being in the studio, both Patrick and I realized that we were really hungry, so we ended up going to get some takeout, then ate it in the car.

Patrick had put the demo in an SD card, so when we got to the studio, he could show it to the band, and Pete.

I pondered if he was even going to talk to Pete. What about my song, too? Would they even like it?

Also, would Pete and the band let Patrick and I sing the song together, or would Susan want to do the vocals?

I found myself hoping that there was something that could keep her from singing it. Either that she didn't like it, or was going to be nice for once in her life and let me have this one thing that I ask for.

As Patrick ate, he looked at me, noticing that I was thinking deeply.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, or at least his voice is so smooth and quiet that he couldn't help but ask me in such a soft tone.

I looked up at him, taking a piece of sushi and shoving it in my mouth.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I mumbled.

He wiped his face with a napkin, something I noticed that he did every time he took a bite of food, even if there was nothing on his face.

How cute.

"So," he said. "Do you think Susan will let you sing the song?"

I bit my lip. "I'm really not sure."

He nodded.

"I mean, Susan's great.." I mumbled. "But she acts like she's the only adult in the band, and honestly has too much ego. I don't wanna be mean or anything, but my gosh, she gets on my nerves.."

He nodded again. "I understand," he said. "Every band has that member."

"Even Fall Out Boy?" I asked, chuckling a little.

"Even Fall Out Boy." He mumbled, looking out the window.

I knew he meant Pete, Of course, by the look on his face.

It was a mixture of mad, sad, and disappointed.

I would be angry, too, if my friend didn't understand my grieving process, even though Pete was just trying to help, Of course. And I would be sad and disappointed as well, if my friend had punched me for literally no reason.

Poor Patrick had so much that had happened to him, with his family and friends. He just seemed so stressed. I wished there was a way I could help.

"I guess we better head to the studio before they leave." He said, starting up the car.

"Patrick?" I Asked.

He looked over at me with his blue eyes. "Yeah?"

"Are you sure you wanna go..?" I Asked. "With everything with Pete..?"

He sighed. "I want to do this." He said. "I don't have to talk to Pete. I just want to help you with your song. It'll help with your first album, too, right?"

I nodded. "I just don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"I'll be okay." He said, giving me a reassuring smile.

The Last Of The Real Ones // Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now