Chapter 1 Set me on fire and extinguish my greed (18+)

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Sam's Point Of View

The same dream again. Heart racing again. Again the sweet smell of his skin. Again the taste of his tongue. I can't be wrong. He kissed me back.

I don't dare to open my eyes. I wish I could just keep dreaming. Why does my dream always end in the same place?

"CUT!" it rings loudly in my ear. My face was just burrowing into Yu's torso when we were snapped out of our trance.

His scent numbed my senses. A moment ago, we were in each other's arms.

At first he resisted. His entire body rubbed against mine as he tried to escape my hands.

His face. His look. My heart was beating like crazy.
I lost myself completely, kissing in wild and rough one moment,
soft and tender in the next. Space and time were lost. Without realizing it, I sucked on his neck, kissed his nose, felt his tender skin under my hands. When our lips finally met, I lost all control.
My tongue entered his mouth and challenged his to a fight. He returned my kiss. Our lips fought the battle of our hearts.

My heart was beating so loudly that I feared I would faint. All my senses were on fire.
Yang Yu Teng set me on fire and extinguished my greed at the same time.
I open my eyes and look at the ceiling.

 Again, the same dream.

 Again I wake up aroused and ashamed of wanting more. 

Again, my hands slide under the covers, into my shorts and grip my hard penis.

I close my eyes and see his eyes looking at me. His gaze penetrates me. His hands move closer to my face. Every time he touches my face, I lose myself. My heart begins to race again and my hand begins to massage the agonizing hardness in my crotch.

I continue to dream my dream. Tasting him, smelling him, hearing him whisper my name. I lie on top of him and rub my aroused member against his hip. His body submits to mine. His breath catches while I explore him with my hands. Several times I press my face into his body and try to embrace everything.
I touch the hardness between his legs. Grasp his arousal. Rub myself against him. He holds onto my neck as we kiss wildly. The sight of him makes me groan. His hips demand more. The friction intensifies. The hardness in my hand pulses.
He clutches my back and stifles a loud moan, "Zi Hong Lin!" His sensual voice calls my name and releases me. I call his name as I come, "Yang Yu Teng!"

Now it's been three weeks since the airing of the last episode of season 2. The fan meeting was great. The fans are so great. Every day they post new videos about us and write that they miss us. I have to admit that I often watch the videos and smile. Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi are really beautiful to watch. They give themselves to their feelings. Pain, anger, lust and love they go through together. I feel the intensity of their affection for each other so clearly. "I am Gao Shi De, Gao Shi De is Sam," I said often enough in the interviews. The video cuts of me and Yu make me feel rather wistful. 'Sam is jealous, Sam is always looking at Yu's lips, Sam can't look Yu in the eye...' You can see us laughing together. The fans accompany our every move. I flirt openly with him, he is the shy little deer hiding behind me, the wolf.
That's great to market. Is it all just marketing, Yu? Didn't this intense time do anything to you?
I remained seemingly the one who was lost. Again and again, I tried to tell myself that it was all an act. Yu is a beginner and was just clinging to me to better cope with the new challenges.
His tenderness, his gaze, his instant intimacy in every workshop and every shot just left me amazed. I am the experienced one, after all. I should be able to perform an intimate scene without hesitation. Instead, he always managed to upset me, to make me blush. One moment he was enchanting me in an erotic way, the next moment he remained uninvolved and shy. I just can't figure this man out.
I shed many tears when the shooting was over. I couldn't hide my sadness from the public either. The dream was over. It was time to wake up again. Yu also lost tears.
Privately, we were like Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi. We enjoyed the time we spent in our roles. We lived our roles.
The others in the crew enjoyed that too. They also did not let us rest for a moment.
Now he is gone. There are no more meetings together for now. We haven't seen each other for three weeks. He still called the first week. I was so busy that I couldn't call him back until late at night. Yu always goes to bed early. So it happened that we didn't reach each other at all. Now he doesn't answer at all. I don't get a reply to any message.
I think that makes sense. I have to regain my composure and concentrate on my work. If only this dream of our intimate scene would stop. This episode. This scene. That feeling opened my mind and my soul.
We had long talks about it afterwards to make sure that no hidden emotions stay hidden. I never saw shame in him. Why am I the one melting with shame?

We decided that the alcohol only intensified everything. Our conversations always degenerated into fooling around. We both wanted to feel good afterwards.

I feel so good with him.

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