Chapter 27 The lucky one

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Tian's POV

It's almost 8 o'clock. I am more nervous than I would like to admit. We are all in the preparation room of a hotel. I am surrounded by bustle. Everyone is busy in some way. Appearances are deceiving.

Before all our shooting, we were scurrying. We indulged in little things.

Wanted perfection. With good humor. Bursts of laughter. Consternation. Everyone knew there was more to come.

Yu's accent always caused a glee. His tear-stained face in said scenes caused touched wonder. Sam supported him in the former and fell for him in the latter.

The crew experienced and lived the moments with SamYu.

Sam ashamed. Enchanted by Yu.

Yu unknowingly seduced. Deprived by Sam.

Their interplay conjured in all of us a desire for more. We all wanted to know. Each of us played a different role in their movie.

And now weeks passed without all our moments.

And our film took a shocking turn.

And there I stand.

The biggest fan. Tipsy from reality and all her questions.


Surrounded by the hustle and bustle. The electricity before the storm.

"Tian, you made me a promise!" grumbles Jiang behind me. "I'm sure they'll be here soon," I try to reassure him.

And the door opens.

Sam and Yu walk in.

Both with deep circles under their eyes, pale skin, but well-styled hair.

Both in black with turtlenecks.

In the heat.

I think of all the red marks on their bodies and grin.

A slow silence rolls over the room. All eyes are on them. And they both just look back.

How authentic they both seem.

They are surrounded by a calm aura.

No play decorates their faces.

"Come on now. We'll get it right," Jiang calls out to all of us.

The sight we should have gotten used to long ago is always exciting.

Countless lights, flashes, shouts greet our crew as we enter the large ballroom. We walk expertly onto the stage and sit down. Sam has his arm around Yu's waist. He leads him to his chair and gives me a look.

'Yeah, I always sit next to Yu. I'm just his support when you're not,' I shout to him inwardly, enjoying my triumph.

I can't blame Sam. Yu just triggers the urge to protect in everyone. He is constantly hugged. The kitten is loved and embraced by everyone.

And Sam is allowed to watch. Admit his weak point to himself.

'Do it finally!', I nod to him, because he is still punishing me with his eyes.

We all sit down and the ride begins.

A roller coaster ride without a fuse.

Behind the press, fans jostle for the best view. The entire hall quivers with curious hearts. No one dares to think of SamYu's answers.

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