Chapter 25 A deep tenor (18+)

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Sam's POV

Holding my Yu in my arms is everything. All I want and need.

He covers his flushed face with his beautiful arms.

His shame makes my hungry wolf howl. Painfully, he throbs against my shorts. Wants to be set free. Finally sighting his prey.

I take a deep breath and let Yu have his moment.

I want him to look at me. I want to see his eyes. To let his gaze take me away.

"Come with me!" he says suddenly, standing up, taking me by the hand and leading me to the couch. I should sit down, his gesture tells me, while he doesn't even look me in the eye.

"I'll be right back," he walks towards the bathroom, "then I want you naked." he calls after me.

I feel the butterflies in my stomach crying out and I elatedly pull off my shorts.

I can't stop nibbling on my bottom lip. The anticipation of my kitten makes me regress childishly.

I feel his tender paws approaching me again. He's holding something in his hand. My curious eyes want to be satisfied.

He stands in front of me and catches sight of my stiff member.

"Ahhhh," I hear my Yu moan, "Did I keep you waiting?" His gaze is fixed on my wolf. "Come here, I'll show you who you belong to," he speaks to my pining penis.

He opens the tube, squeezes a generous amount of lube onto his hand, and leans forward. Without hesitation, he reaches for my lap.

Scorching heat collides with a cold, wet glide. He rubs up and down. Enveloping every part of my quivering shaft.

Abruptly, he lets go and sits on me. With his head tilted back, he reaches back, opens his hot cheeks and begins to rub his bud against me.

I must look like an idiot. My eyes are astonished, my mouth is open. My hands are frozen on his thighs trapping me.

I sighted my love-marked Yu swaying his hips. His head thrown back. His petite neck gasps for air. His skin cries out for my touch. His chin wants to be devoured by me.

I watch his arms disappear behind him. His hands feel our friction. I see him reaching back, winging himself to feel us. He touches himself. He feels my trunk against his bud.

The sight of him kills me. I die.

Close my eyes to be overwhelmed by my inner vision.

I feel his hot split. His moist bud. I feel it pulsing. He kisses my defenseless wolf. His lustful yelp escapes my mouth and drives Yu's unrestrained hips forward. He moans deeply, leaving a sea of tingles on my skin.

I lose myself. Can't control myself anymore. Greedy thunder rolls out of me.

Until Yu suddenly grabs my silenced hands. He runs them along his waist, guides them back.

I am drawn to him. His hot body leads me to him. Lets me breathe him in.

Lets my hands feel his fingers.


How he massages his bud. How he circles it. Pressing harder.

Showing my fingers how to open his bud. Massage it. Penetrate it.

My heart races. Faster. Faster than ever.

I think I'm going to end. Into eternity.

I feel him penetrating with me.

He invites me to enter him.

To enter. Deeper. Further.

And we open my Yu for me,

while he pushes himself deeper and deeper into my hand.

I quiver panting against his chest.

The shame of my unrestrained lust makes me blush all over my body. I want to cover myself, hide myself. I don't want him to see me.

And Yu stops, making me howl loudly,

grabs my trembling genital with one hand and guides its tip to his wet flower.

With his other hand, he grips my neck and my nape. He brings me in front of his face.

"Look at me!" he breathes at me, "Look at me, my wolf," he moans. As he does so, he presses his flower against my howling wolf. "Look at me!" is his response to my wordless plea.

He lusts and devours me with his tongue. Penetrates me. Demands.

Lets me feel the entrance of his heat. Lets his flower suck on my tip.

I lose myself. Can no longer take myself back. "Look at me!" my beautiful tormentor demands.

And I open my whipped eyes. He puts his hand on my face. Caresses my jawbone with his lips and slowly begins to lower himself.

And I close my eyes.

And am punished with an ending.

I open them again. Look into my Yu's half-opened eyes filled with tears. And see his gaze as he begin to betittle hisselve. His hips gyrate in a rhythm approaching madness.

A deep tenor quivers from my mouth.

He lets me circle him from the inside. Let me feel his heat.

We are one.

Promised to one another.

Falling for each other.


Yu floods me with his eyes. He silently screams his love to me.

And begins to slide up and down.

I grab him. Hold his heartless hips tight.

Beg, "Wait, wait, Yu, wait. Wait."

My suppressed voice whips him.

He rides me more swiftly.


Pushes me against his walls.

Devours his pleading wolf.

And he claws at my chest as he drives us through our ecstasy.

Our loud, deep tenor blows to the cherry blossoms of our hearts.

They waft delicately around the room, trickling down on us.

And I still look into the moist eyes of my Yu surrounded by glittering cherry blossoms.

Our eyes sweetly promise each other their vows.

And I snuggle up to my Yu. Embrace him.

Hear his heartbeat.

It beats in time with my life clock. 

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