Chapter 20 Beauty and the Beast

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Tian's POV

As I stand at Yu's front door, my blood freezes. I hear his groans and moans escape through the grooves of the door. With my fist, I begin to pound on the door.

"Yu, Yu, open the door, Yu!", I shout, heedless of the neighbors. Hammering loudly, I call his name and find myself in a panicked state. What if he's lying on the floor injured? He needs help, I can hear that clearly. While my right hand ignores the pain of the hard knocks against the door, my left hand reaches for my cell phone. I need to call for help. Before my trembling hand can dial the number, the door opens a crack. My heart slips into my pants and I push the door open.

A disheveled, bare-chested Yu opens the door for me. He wears red patches on his skin. His eyes look glassy.

I pull him to me and take him tightly in my arms. His blazing heat burns through my clothes.

"Man Yu, you scared the hell out of me. Are you okay?", I ask excitedly, grabbing his shoulders and pushing him back a little so I can look him straight in the eyes.

His eyes are from another world. I can't read his expression. I pull him back against me and squeeze him tightly.

"Yu, you promised me on our night that you would never leave me worried again. You promised me you wouldn't. Do you know what that night did to me?", I say out loud. I'm furious.

"I'm sorry, Tian.", Yu replies softly.

"I saw the interview. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so infinitely sorry!", I try to calm us both down. I can't stop squeezing him tighter and tighter.

His naked, glowing torso is pressed tighter and tighter against me. Until suddenly I feel a hard grip on my wrist.

Sam removes first one, then my other arm from Yu's body. His furious grip leaves white marks on my wrist.

He pulls Yu back and stands in front of me. "Which our night?" he tries to say calmly. His voice is deeper than ever. His gaze glows. And he, too, looks rumpled and is clad only in red on top.

An indescribable rage rises in me. What does he allow himself? Pulling the usual stunt here. He's not yours anymore. You don't deserve him.

 Insults from different languages bubble up in me. Insults learned from friends and strangers lucky enough to harbor another language.

 Insults I want to throw at his head.

He has the gall to be possessive after hurting Yu like that.

I decide to add fuel to the fire:

"Our night. The night of me and Yu. The sleepless night!", I bark at him, "I held him. Was there for him. You were busy," I follow up.

I turn away from Sam right after my exclamation and run towards Yu. At the same time, I take off my jacket and gently place it over Yu's shoulders.

I want to protect him from this rabid wolf whose color instantly darkens.

"Come Yu, you come with me. Let me be there for you," I say calmly to Yu.

I can't perceive Yu's reaction because I'm thrown away from behind with full force. I slam against the wall and quickly catch myself again. Sam runs toward me. He's steaming from every pore.

"What do you want, Sam? Isn't it enough what you've done? Leave him alone already! Go, go now!", I yell at Sam.

Our escalation is interrupted by a loud no.

Yu stands protectively in front of me and puts both hands on Sam's chest.

"Sam's not going anywhere. You go, Tian. Thank you for checking on me. I'm sorry I caused you any worry.", he says seriously, still turning his back to me. "Go, please!" he demands.

I look past Yu and see Sam quivering with his eyes closed.

'You deserved that, Sam,' I think to myself and put my hand on Yu's head.

"As you wish, I'll go.", I whisper to him and then say loudly and clearly, "Jiang has scheduled a press conference at 8 o'clock. Your action yesterday demands action. He'll strangle you if you're not on time."

I tussle Yu's hair some more and squeeze his shoulder as Sam watches me stunned.

I'm leaving now.

And leave the two rumpled lovebirds alone.

Satisfied with myself. Relieved. Well up.

And the thoughts about that strange situation just now make me smile. Then grin. Then laugh uproariously.

Finally, I can look forward to telling the crew about my early morning visit to Beauty and the Beast.

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