Chapter 11 I love my work

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Press POV

"We received several calls. Samyu is at the spring festival. They are walking together towards the Ferris wheel. There has been no interview together for weeks.

Our reporters followed them but got few clues about their whereabouts.", I speak into the camera, happy for the opportunity.

We walk briskly after them, having finally spotted them at the cotton candy stand.

"Sam, Yu, please stop. Can we ask you few questions?", I call after them.

In the noise of the surroundings, the sound of my voice is suffocated. I run forward a bit and grab Yu's arm.

He flinches. Sam immediately grabs my arm and squeezes tightly. Typical of the protective Sam.

"Sam, Yu, please give us some of your time," I ask politely. They both turn and marvel at our presence.

Within no time, other reporters and press people follow around them. Several microphones are held out to them.

The small bald-headed man in front next to me asks the first question:

"Is this a date?"

I ask afterwards, "You guys haven't seen each other in a while.

Yu, how was the week on Lyudao. Did you get over the shock of Sam not going?

Sam, didn't you tell Yu that you would go to the island and prepare everything? Weren't you going to spend a few days there together? That's what you said during the last live broadcast before the fan meeting. "

These questions hit with a sledgehammer.

Before the others can weigh in, I address Sam's facial expression:

"Sam, why do you look so frozen? Did we find a sore spot there? The fans are hoping for answers."

But no answers follow.

Our cameras are focused on a Sam whose jaw drops slightly. His eyes look shocked at the camera. His eyebrows are raised.

Yu pales and remains silent.

"Yu, what do you think about Sam flying to his girlfriend Joyce Chu in Malaysia right after the last fan meeting?

While you were waiting for him on Lyudao, we spotted the two of them at a spa hotel. Is there a lover's fight now?" a tabloid reporter scoffs.

I find that unprofessional.

This time, the fans can discover a somber color change in Yu's face via live transmission. He remains silent.

Sam, meanwhile, remains frozen expressionless.

Several questions are shouted in from all directions.

Sam's deep, clear voice suddenly rises, he looks at the camera, "We welcome you all here to the Spring Festival. Yu and I are enjoying our time together after weeks of not seeing each other. How nice to see you all here," Sam speaks professionally, showing a mini heart with his fingers.

"Sam, why didn't you go to the island with Yu like you promised?", I dig in.

Sam puts on his cool wolf look, "Non of your buisness! That's between me and Yu."

"Yu, were you disappointed when you realized Sam's promise wasn't serious? Did you regret trusting him?", I demand an answer.

And again Sam's cool facial expression crumbles and a scowl appears.

Later, the fans will also detect a hint of sadness in it.

They'll freak out.

I love my work.

Normally, Yu would be hiding behind Sam right now and the whole world would be screaming because the two of them start flirting.

As he has many times before, Yu is silent this time, but he seems to move away from Sam's side in a barely noticeable way.

Sam looks to the side and spots Yu's distance. He puts his arm around his shoulder and raises his other hand. "We'll see you soon," he says goodbye and disappears into the crowd with Yu.

"That was interesting," I say to the camera, "We'll let the two of them get on with their date now and hope to have news soon."

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