Chapter 21 My wolf is quivering with pain and I can't help

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Yu's POV

Sam is standing across from me. My hands are still on his chest.

I dare not move. Breathe shallowly and wait. Waiting to see how he will react.

He doesn't return my gaze. His cold gaze is fixed on the floor. The air crackles dangerously.

I feel his heartbeat on my hands. His rhythm slides into me, making my heart beat in time.

We beat in the same beat.

My heart beats only for you, I want to tell him. But I don't have the courage.

Unheard, Sam's heart abruptly begins to race.

He takes a step back, leaving a void on my hands. Finally, our eyes meet. A cool bolt of lightning strikes my body.

Sam's anger stops still in the room.

"Your night?" he interrupts the suffocating room.

"Sam," I try to object, but am interrupted by his deep snort. He turns away. All I see is his back rising and falling. And his skin, coloring.

I walk up to him and put my hands on his beautiful back, approaching his neck and trying again. "Sam, you're taking this the wrong way," I breathe at him and his reaction makes me sob.

He shakes me off. Rejects me. Doesn't want me anymore. Breaks me.

A flood of disappointment overtakes me. I can't take anything back.

This is me. Open. Naked. Hurt.

Finally with Sam.

And he rejects me.

Sam turns when he hears my sobs. I see the inner struggle in his eyes. He doesn't approach, but doesn't turn his gaze from me for a moment. His eyelids dare not blink.

It flows out of me.

Just out.

On and on.

Cleanses me.

Empties me.

Sam is losing the fight. Clenches his fists. His body trembles. Only his eyes remain gentle. He watches the tears spill out of me.

"He was with me to comfort me," I continue after I've managed to compose myself a bit, "I wasn't feeling well and he wouldn't leave me alone."

Sam hunches at my words. It's like they punched him in the stomach. I can see the pain in his face.

He holds himself back.

Tenses up.

I watch him try again and again to build his fortress. It shatters at his feet and collapses.

"Sam, he was just comforting me. Like a friend," I keep trying.

His eyes turn red. He averts his eyes.

"Did he touch you?" he surprises me. "What?", I marvel. "Did he touch you?" his tone intensifies. "Excuse me?", I still can't believe it.

And it bursts out of him.

With full force, Sam punches the wall.

A bang that gets in my bones. It makes me vibrate. I've never seen him this angry before.

A loud growl rises from him. My body vibrates at the sound of it.

But the only thing I can think of is his hand.

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