Chapter 24 My wolf marks me (18+)

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Yu's POV

"I have no mercy, if I get you, I have no mercy. Wait and see," he growls at me. His eyes light up. The laugh lines around them charm his wonderful face. He radiate as he chases me.

Like a mirror, I reflect his wildly laughing face and don't take my eyes off him. I run backwards and keep bumping into each other. We laugh at my collisions. "You're so clumsy!" he mocks me.

He chases me across the living room, around the kitchen counter. I flee back to the bedroom. Once there, I stop and hiss at him.

"I've got you now, my kitten," he says, not knowing it wasn't his doing.

I fling myself onto the bed and watch his laughing face collapse. He just stops.

"What's wrong?", I want to know. His darkening gaze worries me. I don't get an answer. Instead, he suddenly runs toward me, grabs my arms, and pulls me up,

away, further away. Out of the bedroom.

In the living room, the laughter of our childish game still lingers. I see Sam's troubled mind and seek his hearing, "Zi Hong Lin, talk to me. What's wrong?"

"You shall not lie in this bed again," he says harshly.

I just don't understand for a moment and then beam brightly. Sam gives me a wry look. "What are you so happy about?" his deep voice growls.

I sneak up on him. Our bodies are right in front of each other. I bring my mouth to his ear and purr, "I'm all yours, my wolf."

Sam's breath catches in his throat. He grabs me by the hips and lifts me up. I reach around my Sam with my arms and legs. Nestle against his neck and let him indulge my senses. His hands slide to my ass. His grip is hard and passionate.

"You're all mine!" my Sam murmurs as his one hand massages my cheeks powerfully, making me groan.

His other hand slides over my back. His wild fingertips leave flames on my skin. I'm on fire. And seek release.

At his juicy tongue. I suck on it. Dance with it. Rob him of his mind. Let him take me. "Mhmmmm," it resounds in our mouths.

And he reaches into my shorts with both hands. Takes my flesh. Presses my cheeks together. Loses himself between them. His fingers massage deep waves into my body. They burn wildly in my heart and foam, splash, befuddle all my senses with our tumultuous lust.

I suddenly feel the cold wall against my back. Sam guides me from his hips.

I breathe heavily and long for him. Sam peers into my pleading eyes. His gaze prompts me. Waits. Doesn't give in. And I confess.

"I'm all yours!", I whisper, watching him by loosing patience.

He takes my hands. Our fingers join. He presses our interlocked hands against the wall. Approaches my ear and growls low.

The next moment, a biting pain of pleasure stings me. He sucks and bites my neck, my chin, my Adam's apple, my collarbone, my shoulders.

My wolf marks me.

Rubs his forehead into my body. Whispers his love to him.

The burning of his marks is placated by his tongue and quenched by his wild breath.

The waves inside me break faster. The tide races, sending my heart soaring.

His teeth and tongue, his lips make no stop at my pecs, my armpits, my arms, my ribs, my belly. He sucks me into him. Makes my blood boil. Makes me howl loudly.

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