Chapter 26 And I trust you

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Omniscient narrator

"Let me in. Come on!" begs Sam outside the closed door of the bathroom.

His kitten suddenly disappeared, leaving a cold rain shower behind. Sam just wanted to linger. Hold him in his arms. He just jumped up and slipped away.

And now he doesn't get to shower with his Yu. Sam pouts.

Yu, on the other hand, can only shake his head.

'He really has no idea,' he thinks to himself and runs lukewarm water over the throbbing spot. His entire body trembles at the memory of their union. He smirks as the images of his vanquished wolf roll over him.

And Yu shakes his head again.

Amazed at himself, he covers his face with his hands.

"We're running out of time. It's better if we don't shower together!" exclaims Yu, momentarily shocked at the truth of it himself.

He showers off, ignoring the sore burning. With a towel around his hips, he looks in the mirror one last time.

His eyebrows twitch at the sight of his upper body.

And he decides to put on a turtleneck despite the heat.

The marks of his wolf make him purr. Purring, he leaves the bathroom and catches sight of a pouting Sam leaning against the door to the bedroom.

Yu tries to walk as unobtrusively as possible.

Sam's gaze lingers on his Yu.

He wonders about Yu's aloof aura. He feels rejected. His gaze darkens.

Yu avoids eye contact and walks straight to the door. He wants to get dressed in the bedroom and then snuggle up to Sam. He senses Sam's insecurity, but can't be so naked anymore.

Lightly, he hovers over the doorstep as Sam holds him straight out.

"Talk to me!" he demands sternly but gently.

Yu pauses. He wishes Sam wasn't so insistent. What is he supposed to tell him? That he's embarrassed? That he's never given himself to anyone like this before? That his flower is hurting him?

The intensity of their union has left new buds on his soul and marks on his body.

He is intoxicated. For the first time, he was one in two. With Sam. The man who took him on this journey. Showed him the world and the world beyond.

He doesn't want it. He doesn't want to destroy their moment.

He doesn't want to show himself frail.

Sam reads his Yu and is silent. He knows something is working in his Yu.

His silent Yu has often left him in the dark. But always enabled him to experience the world in the dark. And so he saw the bright colors of harmony even in the dark.

Sam gently pulls Yu to him and hugs him. His fragrant Yu glows more colorfully in his arms.

He strokes his hair, his back, and finally gets to his sugary sweet, Sam's end significant peach. His hands bite into Yu's flesh with relish.

And a pained, slight moan chokes the room. Sam jerkily withdraws his hands.

Yu deepens the embrace. Inwardly, he pleads, 'Don't let go of me!'

Sam's is stunned by his shame. How could he be so ignorant. "Yu, did I hurt you?" he asks anxiously.

Yu would roll his eyes if he didn't feel so bitchy. "There's nothing wrong with it. And completely normal." he declares, wondering about himself. How would he know what normal is. Every moment with Sam is far from normal.

Sam deepens the embrace. He holds his Yu even tighter and whispers, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" His deep voice is not careless. Yu feels the vibrations of his sexy voice against his body as Sam apologizes incessantly.

Smoothly, Yu brings his face in front of Sam's.

"You don't have to apologize. You made me sound. I want to be your instrument. Only you can play me anytime. ", Yu says, using both hands to press Sam's hips against his erection, which is hard again.

And Sam knows it.

He knows it.

He knows that all those moments when Yu was silent,

were directed at him.

Waiting for him to do so.

Saving themselves.

Holding back.

Until Sam was ready.

Able to accept it.

Doesn't feel ready for anything else.

Until Yu shows him that he is fully in control of him.

Fully and completely. Without doubt. Without a choice.

'I'm so whipped,' Sam thinks, letting Yu's hardness charming him.

Yu sees the change in Sam's expression and has to grin. "You go take a shower now. I'll go get dressed," Yu says suddenly, snapping Sam out of his trance. "Mhm?" he gets in response. Yu kisses him. He melts at the sight of his face while mhmen. "Go on, go on!" he laughs.

Sam doesn't want to let go. "I'm going to get your stuff. You wait here!" he orders. Yu is irritated. Now he is the one who won't let go. " Why?" asks Yu.

Sam hesitates. He can't really be proud of his reason. Why is he overreacting like this? He doesn't recognize himself. In none of his relationships has he been the mindless one. He knows the way it goes, doesn't he? And if the other person is not worth it, he can well do without.

But when it comes to Yang Yu Teng, his stomach tightens at the idea of doing without.

And this feeling has eaten into him along with all the others.

In their sleepless night.

The truth is bare in his eyes.

"Let's move in together. No point in keeping two apartments if we're only going to be in one anyway. We'll look for something new. And in the meantime, you come stay with me," Sam says out of nowhere.

Yu is amazed. He reads Sam and replies, "Before that, you hop in the shower and I'll go get dressed." He goes into the bedroom. Opens the closet and picks out clothes for himself and Sam.

Sam stays at the door for a while and finally turns around. Just as he's about to walk off, he hears Yu's tender voice: "I never want to go to a hotel room again either. Into a whirlpool. Into a steaming bathtub. I never want to be remembered again. To be haunted by my nightmare."

"I didn't touch her!" chimes Sam's voice.

"And I trust you.", Yu clarifies as he lovingly folds Sam's clothes.    

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