Chapter 19 The Chemistry demanded a sacrifice

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Tian's POV

And again he doesn't answer his cell phone. And we have to find out through the media that our lovebird was at the spring festival.

Yes, there couldn't be a better promotion for season 3, but the speculation that Sam broke Yu's heart, that he had hot next with his girlfriend while Yu was waiting for him is going viral right now and only I know Yu's condition.

And that's only because I persisted. Yu just canceled everything. I was told by Jiang to go and check on him.

I found a broken man. Only the memory of his graceful appearance remained. He had dissolved. His empty eyes looked through me. He did not hear me. And I gave up. Put aside my questions. And just took him in my arms.

I stayed the night and listened to his silent sobs. The only thing I could give him was my presence. I stroked his hair. Forced him to drink. So many tears. I worried that he was getting dehydrated. He lay on my chest and the wetness of my shirt slowly spread.

And when I was overcome by fatigue and nodded, I awoke from his suppressed sobs. Never in my life did I go through such pain with a friend.

I'm the clown of the crew, after all. I make people laugh. I give tips, get into mischief. I tease and confront. And now I comfort.

And I am one of SamYu's biggest fans. Like a schoolgirl, I could cry out at the sight of them together. Time and time again, I drove them both crazy. In front of and behind the camera, I urged them to finally confess to each other, to tell us the truth, to finally share the great happiness.

And now I was lying next to an introverted Yu who didn't understand himself.

Who had fallen in love for the first time and had fallen hard.

Who just couldn't stop crying.

"The first time always hurts!", I tried to cheer him up, earning Yu's typical smacks against my arm. The sweet blows that were usually dedicated to his Sam.

Even I have a lump in my throat when I think of Sam. I feel anger and would love to shake him. But what can he do about it. What has he done? That's the way our business is. We have to intoxicate the fans. Promote our series.

Raise hopes where there are none.

It's so sad that Yu's hope was in vain.

The chemistry between them demanded a sacrifice. And Yu gave himself up devotedly for it.

He promised me that he would pick himself up again and, above all, really answer the phone.

Since I drunkenly dropped Sam off at Yu's the day before yesterday, there have been no signs of life from Yu.

I figured I'd let her talk. That's the best solution. They need to talk things out. Yu will catch himself quickly and Sam will support him. And we all continue to work happily and successfully. Season 3 is just the beginning of a 10 sequel movie series. And I don't tend to exaggerate. Humor is my medicine.

But I kept catching myself listening to a worried quiet voice inside me. I shouldn't have brought Sam to see him. He has such a rude way about him. He doesn't realize what he wants himself. He's not going to do Yu any good.

So when I was jolted out of sleep by a call from Jiang at 2 a.m. today, and he yelled at me with excitement, my heart stopped.

"Have you seen it? Did you watch the interview with Sam and Yu? They're both fucking not answering the phone. I've been trying to reach them for hours. We have to respond to this," he yelled into the receiver.

I have to admit, as a big fan, of course I should have followed the news, but I just didn't think that the two idiots would suddenly show up in public. Without prior planning, without arrangements, without a script, without us as a cover.

The posts and videos on all portals zoom in on every word, every emotion, every color change in the faces of both surprised and overwhelmed idiots. Sam's every emotion is on display. He learns on camera that he ditched Yu. That he made him wait. That he was really there.

That it was really true.

Sam looks like an idiot. I just can't believe it. Even when he then regains his composure and presents Sam, he is immediately caught by the next wave. Anger boils inside me when the reporters bring up the fight between the two lovers. The press really knows no bounds. Everyone realizes that questions about personal lives are not welcome in an interview during the promo.

But this action of both idiots was also not part of the promo.

So Sam visited his girlfriend. For days in a spa hotel. Good for Sam.

I can only shake my head. Poor Yu.

Over and over again, Yu's face is shown in slow motion with different crooning songs behind it as he learns that Sam was with her while he waited.

I close my eyes and can't bear his pain. I still feel it too much from that sleepless night at Yu's side.

Yu's color changes to a magenta, then turns pale into a ghost. All breathing escapes from him. He glides away. Silently.

Sam looks annoyed. Puts on his cool demeanor. Stays in character. As if it's all planned. As if he doesn't know what he's doing to Yu. And he really doesn't.

These posts and videos that I watch for an hour make me want to get up and go right now. Totally don't care that it's 3 in the morning. I have to go to Yu.

On the way, I call him umpteen times. Sam's cell phone is off.

I'm so scared that maybe, no, no, but maybe he'll get some stupid ideas. Idiot.

Answer the phone already! 

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