Chapter 12 What kind of melodrama have I ended up in?

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Sam's POV



Yang Yu Teng!", I call after him. He runs toward the exit.

What the hell just happened? Is he mad at me? He wasn't really...

I flinch for a moment because Yu suddenly stops and abruptly turns around. "You were great!" he says dryly, "You always find the right words!" Before I can react, he's already moved on.

I'm more irritated than before. What is the meaning of this? Is he mad at me?

We finally arrive at the car and get in. A two-hour drive awaits us. I'm afraid of his coldness.

"Is it true what they say? Have you been to our island?", I ask.

My attempt to get through to him by being open fails because of his laugh. "Our island?" he laughs, "Are you talking to Zhou Shu Yi right now?"

I wonder a little at his reaction. However, I don't let on.

"Were you on Lyudao?", I correct myself.

His silence is filled with thought. I give him the time of day.

"I was." he says hesitantly, then continues with a put-upon tone, "Gao Shi De!"

Satisfied with himself, he turns his shoulder to me and looks out the window.

I gulp.

I'm Gao Shi De, so what? Why does he sound like he's angry.

I don't understand.

I gather my thoughts.

So he really went there. To see me there? It can't be.

"Were you expecting me there?", I try again with candor.


I don't know what his silence means. Otherwise, I can always read Yu. Now I'm just bouncing off his facade.

"Yu, please talk to me," I say softly.


A restlessness spreads through me.

When I put my hand on his arm, he slowly shakes his head.

I give up and remain silent as well. My thoughts circle around and I just can't grasp them.

We were just fooling around after all. In one of our shows, we had to sit across from each other. Between us they pulled a divider poster with a circle and a cross on it. Now they asked us questions that we were supposed to answer yes and no to. We were then supposed to move our faces to either the cross or the circle. The question was whether we would take the other person on a journey.

With overnight stay. In a room with a double bed. With one mattress. Of course we would sleep the night there together. At least three nights.

Man, man, man, our fans really have precise ideas.

We both answered yes to the question. The look on his face when the privacy screen was removed was sugar.

This show really got under my skin. It came out that we've both dreamed of each other before. If he knew.

And that we find the other tasty when kissing. If only I could again.

I have to grin as I remember comparing the taste of his lips to cilantro. He hates cilantro. His reaction was so sugar.

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