Chapter 15 Nightclothes

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Partial narrator

"Let's go inside!" says Yu after feeling the shame inside him. They both hug each other for a few minutes after their liberating laugh, and it suddenly feels dangerous. Overwhelmed by the variety of emotional states, both of them can't explain why the closeness seems scary all of a sudden. They both know that there is still something there. It is in the middle. Between them. Pulls and tugs. Wants to unite.

Surrendering to it terrifies them both.

"What did you want when you came out?" asks Sam as Yu unlocks. "I'm hungry.", Yu replies, causing a sweet memory of the day to awaken in both of them. Smirking, Sam replies, "Let's order in and watch a movie."

How many times have they done this in the past? Lightheartedly. Funny. Good for each other.

Sam has been in the film and music business for quite some time. His day and night routines are irregular and scheduled. From a young age, he was highly touted for his good looks and charm. He never felt that anyone bothered to look beneath his surface. Who is Sam? What does Sam feel? His success didn't give him time to show anyone his inner self. Until finally, he became too proud to ask for true attention. Sam knows how to market himself. He knows his advantages and enjoys his assets. But the more effective his shtick became, the lonelier he felt. Locked in his self.

Except with Yu.

He looks and listens in. Gives him the opportunity to feel. To sense himself. To come to rest. And yet Yu assaults him with eager admiration. Plays and laughs. Shows himself to him. Opens up. Touches him inside and out. Only him.

With Yu, time stands still. And every moment lingers in memory.

Finally. Finally, they are just the two of them. Finally.

Yu orders hamburgers. Sam is to be served his favorite food. He's earned it. As they make themselves comfortable, their paths don't cross. The invisible distance is amicable and crackling.

Both are beaming with happiness. And silent.

As if it were a matter of course, Sam operates the remote control and turns on Yu's favorite anime.

"And are you okay?" says Yu in a serious, quiet tone. Sam raises his eyebrows, tilts his head, and looks questioningly at Yu. "Because of the breakup." , Yu replies hesitantly. "Oh, you mean that.", Sam clears his throat, "I'm fine. It was over a long time ago. I just hadn't admitted it to myself."

Yu has so many more questions, but he decides to lock them away. He's concentrating on the movie again when the doorbell rings.

The hamburgers smell delicious and Yu enjoys the sight of Sam taking a bite. With each bite, Sam seems more relaxed. He finally leans back and stretches his arms away from him. He feels so tired. The roller coaster ride of the day has completely exhausted him. Yet they didn't even ride a roller coaster.

And neither did Ferris wheel.

"I'll put you to bed," Yu says , standing up and reaching for Sam's arms.

The first touch since they've been in Yu's apartment. Sam makes hisself heavy and staggers his arms. Yu tries to catch them and giggles. "Like you could carry me.",Sam laughs. "If you only knew. Who carried you to the bed when you were drunk at my door?",Yu suddenly says in a seductive tone. Sam blushes when he sees Yu's deep gaze and raised eyebrow.

The night in question holds secrets. And another night together.

Sam lets Yu lift him off the sofa and disappears into the bathroom. Yu lays out a shirt and pajama pants for him. As he has so many times before. As a matter of course. Only this time with an elevated heartbeat and wild butterflies in his stomach.

When Sam appears in the bedroom from the shower with only a towel around his waist, Yu tries to put restraints on his eyes. With flushed cheeks, he seeks escape. Sam, finding Yu's reaction adorable, smirks and takes his lovingly assembled nightclothes, puts them on and snuggles into bed. Another night awaits them.

As Yu saunters into the bedroom, already dressed, he catches sight of a slumbering Sam. The same position. Facing inward and looking indescribably handsome. Excited, he also slips into bed, moving very close to Sam. The same position. Yu's heart beats so loudly that he fears waking Sam.

His Sam. In front of him.

"Will you take me back to your dreams?" whispers Yu, "I want to call your name, too." The thought of their night makes Yu instantly erect. "I want you!" breathes Yu, and Sam opens his eyes.  

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