Chapter 4 It's going to be a long night

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Yu's POV

I lie in my bed and I am empty.

I am empty.

I don't feel anything.

This is what I've been longing for all along. This pain strangling me was going to stop. Now it has and I am not happy about the emptiness.

Was that it? Did I just remove the feeling, only to leave a big hole. Did I lose him? How could I have let it get this far? I should never have crossed that line.

I startle up because suddenly a loud, incessant knocking fills the room.

Is that Tian? Did I forget something in the car? I immediately reach for my cell phone, expecting his missed call, only to quickly realize that I haven't managed to just put him out of my mind after all. Seven misses calls from Sam are on my display.

I can't think for long because by now the knocking has turned into a pounding.

Worried, no, a little scared, I walk to the door and open it a crack.

My heart stops. "Yu, let me in!" slurs Sam at me. "What are you doing here," I ask, "you're drunk!"

Sam puts his hands on my shoulders and gently pushes me inside.

"You know how it is," he whispers in my face. "Are you okay? Would you like a glass of water?", I cautiously oblige. Sam looks me in the eye. He looks really taken. He can't keep his gaze up for long. His head sinks towards the floor, he pulls me closer to him. " Yang Yu Teng," he whispers again in that deep voice of his that blows me away, "why are you doing this to me? Why are you ignoring me?"

Tears instantly spring to my eyes. I turn my head to the side and try to swallow the lump in my throat.

Sam, meanwhile, rests his head against my chest. He's getting heavier and heavier. "Come sit down for now," I say, half carrying him to the couch.

As soon as I sit him down, he collapses to the side. I kneel in front of him and call his name, "Sam, are you awake? Sam?" I approach his nose with my ear to make sure he's still breathing. Why do you have to stand outside my door drunk? And then knock out, too.

I can't leave him lying here. Carefully, I grab under his arms and lift him up.

I'm stronger than anyone suspects. But what really makes me weak now is his smell.

He leans his upper body against me. My head is right against his neck. I feel his warmth and the scent of his body rises to my nose.

My entire body begins to tingle.

However, his legs seem to be carrying him a bit more.

"Sam, come help me. My bed is right there," I assure him. Again, his deep, murmuring voice pierces me, "Why are you calling me Sam?"

I don't answer and concentrate on the act of getting him to bed. Once there, I first carefully lay his upper body down and, after removing his shoes and socks, hoist his legs onto the mattress. As I take off his pants and catch sight of his red shorts, my heart races and I avert my eyes.

I stop for a moment and look at him, turn around and get a bowl of lukewarm water and a towel from the kitchen. This situation overwhelms me.

On the one hand, my heart is beating like crazy because I can finally get close to him again. On the other hand, I feel a haunting pain for the same reason.

Longing and protection succumb to their struggle and no winner can tell my heart what to feel.

I open the first buttons of his shirt and, judging myself, enjoy the sight of his skin.

I pay no attention to the voice in my head.

Gently, I begin to dab his face first with the damp towel.

He's so handsome. That face takes my breath away.

"I missed you so much!", I think to myself, but speak softly. Several strands of his black hair cover his forehead. I tenderly stroke his strands aside, bend forward the missing six inches and kiss his forehead.

After gently dabbing his neck and upper chest as well, I cover him up and turn him onto his side facing the inside of the bed. I myself lie down on the other side facing him.

Close, very close.

It's the only way I can make sure I'm right there if anything happens.

I take care of you.

It's going to be a long night.

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