Chapter 2 It's your own fault for the mess

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Tian's POV

"Yu, you have to be there. You can't miss our first meeting for Season 3," I explain to Yu over the phone. I've been trying to cheer him up for two weeks now, but he won't let me get him out of the hole he's buried himself in.
In a barely audible volume, he replies, "Shih Chih Tian, I need some more time. Please let them know that I'm not feeling well. It's just a celebration today anyway. I'm not ready yet."
"You have to face the situation. It will stand out too much if you don't show up. Sam won't be the only one wondering and asking questions. You're putting me in a really difficult situation. I can't keep lying for you. Let's just get it over with," I continue to convince him. Silence. " Yu, you guys are going to see each other again soon anyway. You have to be ready for it.", I keep trying. "I can't.", a sad voice answers me. " How long has it been since you answered his messages? He's so desperate that he even called me asking for you. What do you want me to tell him? The whole team is expecting you two today. I'm leaving now to pick you up. Get ready!" I say firmly and hang up.
Yu's pale shadow of himself gets into my car. He can't even bring himself to put on his publicity smile. "You look like hell. How long has it been since you left your apartment? Did you cancel all your shoots? What about your concert next week? Why are you holed up so much?", I bombard him with questions.

Yu peers out the window. The silence in the car eats me up. I feel so infinitely sorry for him. How could it have come to this. I miss the laughing and sweet Yu who used to tease us with his shy demeanor. The Yu who regularly made Sam blush without intention.
"Yu, you can't keep everything to yourself. Tell him that you ...", I start to say as he loudly interrupts me, " Tian, please give me your word that you won't talk to anyone about this. It's my problem. I will solve it myself. Please give me your word."
I am startled by the sudden change in his way of speaking and look at him. He holds my gaze with wide, glazed eyes. My heart breaks as I look at this beautiful and broken man.
He continues speaking, " Tian, I will do my best now and get through the meeting, but I will not leave your side. Please don't leave me alone. Please don't leave me alone with him!"
How can I resist? 

Sam, that's what you get for always being the cool guy. How could you do this to this delicate creature? I promise Yu I won't leave him alone for a moment. We get out and walk toward the restaurant that has been rented just for us tonight. All the crew members are invited and want to toast the 3rd season. We are presented with the schedule today over a good meal and plenty of alcohol.

Yu walks immediately behind me and holds onto my jacket. It feels more like clawing tightly. We enter the room and I see Sam's eyes light up.
He sees Yu first and only then notices that I am standing immediately in front of him. The glow in his eyes turns into a snarl. Why does he always have to be so obvious? Possesiv-Sam, stay calm, I didn't do anything.

It's your own fault for this mess.

I cautiously turn around and check on Yu's condition. He seems composed. A gentle smile circles his fine features. He puts his arm around my shoulder and whispers in my ear, "Where do you want to sit?" "Yu, don't do that. Look at Sam's expression. He's about to come over and kill me!", I warn him, trying to shake his arm off my shoulder.
To no avail. He presses his body against my back from the side and directs me toward two seats. Sam had reserved a seat for Yu at his side. Now he watches as Yu and I sit together at the other end of the table.
"Yu, Sam is about to explode. Look at his posture. He's got his fists clenched. He's killing me!", I report to Yu .

"He's a moody person. That doesn't mean anything. Don't worry about it.", Yu calmly replies.

Sam can't take his eyes off us. Yu, who has been holding my arm the whole time so that I can't move away from his side, is silent with a subtle smile on his face. His gaze is fixed only on me.

"Yu, there's a wrong impression here right now. Try to talk to the others. Stop clinging to me. I can't keep this up much longer. Sam looks like he's about to come over to us," I explain. No sooner said than done. Sam's eyes look somber. He looks as if he's going to lose his composure at any moment.

He stands up with a jerk, when suddenly the art director Jiang knocks on a champagne glass with a fork and asks us all to pay attention. Sam sits back down. Yu's grip on my arm tightens. I reach for his hand and gently release it from my arm. "Yu, calm down. I'm going to bruise," I whine.

Jiang raises his champagne glass and begins his speech:

"It is because of your success that we can all look forward to planning Season 3 today. The last few months have been tough for all of us. You guys are a great team. I want to give a special thanks to our two lovebirds..." As Jiang speaks, Yu tenses up at my side. The word lovebirds especially seems to pull the rug out from under him. Sam stares over at us. I can't read what his expression means.

"The whole world is waiting to see your love on the big screen again," Jiang says, beaming, and starts toasting. Everyone stands up and toasts their champagne glasses with each other. Some hug each other, you can hear laughter and happy exclamations.

I turn to the side and see that Yu is still sitting. He looks pale.

"Don't act so conspicuous, stand up!", I whisper to him. But before I can speak out, he replies, "I'm sorry, Tian, I can't do this right now." He stands up and briskly leaves the diner. "Yu, Yu, wait, Yang Yu Teng?!", I call after him and turn my gaze towards Sam, who is trying to find Yu in the commotion.

I run after Yu and turn around again at the door. As expected, Sam looks at me with a questioning look. I nod slightly and leave the restaurant.

Yu is squatting next to the passenger door of my car. His head is resting on his knees. His arms are folded over his head.

"Yu, I'm sorry. Come on, I'll take you home," I start as I help him up, "I'll write in our crew group that you're not feeling well and I'll drive you home. You didn't take the food well."

During the ride, Yu stares out the window. I carefully try to engage him in conversation several times. However, he just keeps me silent.

"Yu, if I go back right now, Sam will ask me what's wrong. He saw us coming together, sitting next to each other, you holding onto me, and then I end up driving you home.

You know he's pretty possessive. I honestly feel a little sorry for him too," I say in a calm voice.

"Tell Sam that I haven't been feeling so good for two weeks. Sam has nothing to worry about. Sam remains my partner.", Yu replies in what I think is a strange tone of voice.

"Sam???", I ask, "since when did you start calling him Sam again? I thought you called each other by your birth name? The whole world just calls you Yu and Sam. You told everyone that only you can call yourselves Yang Yu Teng and Zi Hong Lin," I tease him.

"We're not that intimate anymore.", Yu replies dryly, "please let everyone know that I'm sorry and I'll be back at the next meeting.

And Shih Chih Tian," Yu mutters, "I thank you for everything. I won't bother you with it anymore!" He gets out and leaves.

Oh man, he looks so infinitely sad. So infinitely sad.

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