Chapter 7 You made me wait, but it was worth it

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Yu's POV

Those beautiful, huge eyes look at me, frightened. I clearly see the question in his gaze. I have no choice but to laugh out loud. From the bottom of my heart, I laugh. I have to hold my stomach and gasp for air.

This sight. He is petrified.

My heart screams, 'I forgive you!' At the same moment, I run toward him. Silently, I look him in the eye and smile. And hope that he can read my mind.

'Well, what did you dream? You pervert! I was there. I was allowed to experience it. What have you done to me?

You made me wait, but it was worth it.'

Slowly I clasp his face with my hands. I know what this does to him. In these few months we've known each other, there have been numerous sights like this, in front of and behind the camera. His gaze turns away, his cheeks flush. He can't hold my gaze.

"It's been a long time since we've seen each other," I interrupt the silence.

He looks at me and I see his eyes immediately glaze over.

"Why didn't you answer me?" he retorts, "Did I do something wrong?"

"You didn't!", I say immediately with a serious tone. I don't want him to feel bad. I pull him to me and take him in my arms.

He returns my embrace.

We embrace for a long time, tightly.

I enjoy the moment.

"Yang Yu Teng, why did you ignore me? Tell me. I will fix it!" he breathes into my ear in a low voice.

"I crossed a line I shouldn't have. Don't worry about it. I'm all right. I'm happy to see you again," I give him in response. He doesn't let up, "Please talk to me. Tell me what's on your mind."

"Please don't," I interrupt briskly, "let's just enjoy the moment."

And that shuts Sam up.

He squeezes me even tighter against him.

I feel his body close to mine. His warmth and his smell kidnap me. My heart can't stand it for long. I carefully withdraw from the intimate moment and say, "Come on, you must be hungry too. I made us breakfast. Let's eat."

I grab his arm and lead him to the table. "What happened last night?" asks Sam casually. "Nothing, you suddenly showed up drunk at my front door. And then you collapsed right into my arms. I then put you to bed," I try to mention just as casually.


"And then?", I hear him ask tentatively.

"Then you stood here on the doorstep with huge eyes, looking like you watched Bambi get hit by a truck," I laugh.

He starts laughing, too. We both double over with laughter.

I missed his laugh so much.

"I missed your laugh so much," he voices my thoughts.

I swallow. His voice deepens as he gets comfortable.

We are silent as we eat, grinning, sometimes even giggling. Our eyes sparkle childishly at each other.

"What are you doing today?" he asks me with a deep look.

"I don't know yet," I sigh, "Anyway, the sun is finally shining for me again today!"

I earn an adorable smile for my answer.

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