Chapter 16 And now it is our (18+)

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Sam's POV

I float in Yu's bed, enjoying his scent that has found its purpose on my pillow. I must be dreaming as his breath touches me. I feel his warmth and feel him close.

Yu, what are you doing to me? Accompany me. Take off with me. Let's escape together into my dream. The dream. Our fusion.

I'll take you with me.

"Will you take me back to your dreams?", I hear him whisper, "I want to call your name too." His voice penetrates me, awakening remembered desire. Yu, where are you? I'm taking you with me. Show yourself to me.

"I want you!", I hear Yu breathe and open my eyes.

I fall silent inside. His gaze is questioning and full of longing.

"Yang Yu Teng," I search for confirmation. He puts his hand on my face. "Zi Hong Lin," he releases a flood inside me, "I want you!"

Now I put my hand on his face. "Follow me!", I whisper as I tenderly stroke his chin with my thumb. I lose myself in his eyes. His breathing becomes heavier. Each breath envelops me and draws me closer. I feel a warm wave flood my body. I drown and lose myself with my eyes closed.

Yu's lips finally release me. Our lips are on top of each other. The taste of pure desire floods my body and surges in my lap.

He moans soundlessly as he begins to suck gently on my lower lip. His tongue strokes my lip in a demanding manner. I hear myself groan and reach for Yu's neck. Lustfully and without inhibition, I penetrate his mouth with my tongue, tasting the sweet flavor of candied fruit and surrendering to my lust.

I taste the sweet release of my desire and deepen our kiss. Yu surrenders and lets me slide.

Suck. Snacking. Stealing his breath from him. 

He moans into my mouth and clutches my neck. His hands bury themselves in my hair. I can feel each of his touches driving me out of my mind. "Mhhhm," I murmur deeply.

His sucking. His licking. His taste. His hidden moans. My body burns and my deep sounds vibrate in my throat. Our tongues unite. Reconciling. Intertwine.

The silence of the room is filled with sensual sound. The call of fulfillment. Our hands gather the courage to wander. I stroke his beautiful neck to his collarbone. Feeling his body under my hands banishes any taboo. I grip him harder.

Pleasurable kneading. Fingers burying themselves. Yu's uncontrolled sounds torment my incessantly hardening member. "Ahhh," Yu moans as he breaks our kiss and throws his head back.

And he offers me this sight. Overrides any previous sensory experience. His lust penetrates me and makes me moan shamelessly.

His face, his chin, his flushed skin, his lolling body.

I want to caress him, to perpetuate myself on him, to hear him moan louder.

I want. I want him. I want him just for me. On me. With me.

I dig my face into his neck and tenderly caress every inch of his skin with my tongue. My lips lose themselves behind his ears, his neck, his chin. My nose inhales his aphrodisiac.

Yu moans louder as I begin to suck and bite. His hands curl deeper into my hair and his body now leaves no millimeter of space between us.

Unrestrained, he begins to press his hips against me.

I feel him press his hard arousal against my thigh and escalate. I bury my deep moan into his upper body. My hands wander wildly on his torso and finally land on Yu's hips. Firmly, I pull him against me and let him feel my throbbing arousal.

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