Chapter 3 I want to get drunk now

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Tian's POV

After dropping Yu off, I drive back with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. How am I going to run into Sam?

As soon as I enter the pub, Jiang runs up to me and pulls me aside.

"Tian, what about Yu? Sam is going completely crazy here. He's unresponsive and getting drunk." he says excitedly.

"Jiang, Yu and Sam have some unfinished business with each other. It's going to be okay. Yu wasn't feeling well, so I brought him home. Don't worry about it!", I try to reassure him.

I know exactly how much pressure Jiang's shoulders are under. During Season 1, he had to deal with Sam's moodiness and, in parallel, Yu's inexperience. Sam is an experienced actor and now had to deal with a newcomer who is very introverted. At first, Sam didn't act very empathetic. However, that changed quickly. Jiang was the one who made sure that Sam and Yu started to meet privately as well. He talked to both of them and convinced them to get to know each other better. Within the workshops, it gradually became clear that the two had grown closer. The chemistry between them was and is incomparable.

Then in season 2, Jiang had to make sure they didn't lose themselves in each other. The very emotional scenes were so authentic that it was hard for both of them to get out of character afterwards. Yang Yu Teng and Zi Hong Lin also remain privately Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi.

There were many tears flowing. Sam obviously showed that he was very taken by the intimate episode 2. Fans also noticed a melancholy Sam in the Lives and interviews, mourning that season 2 had come to an end.

Yu, on the other hand, continued to show his enchanting smile. However, when Sam cried, Yu also shed tears. They are connected and understand each other even without words. 

Yu's behavior today must have irritated Jiang a lot. Sam is usually the one who is moody. Yu not sitting down next to Sam and suddenly leaving is very noticeable. Why doesn't he listen to me?

I really didn't think that Sam's default would upset Yu like that.

As I continue to talk with Jiang, I suddenly feel a tugging on my arm. Sam stands behind me and pulls me to the bar. Why do I have to be pulled back and forth all the time today?

"What did you do?" slurs Sam at me.

He doesn't look well. "How much did you drink? You can barely hold yourself up," I answer him worriedly. "What did you do to Yu?" he repeats impatiently. "I drove him home. He wasn't feeling well," I half-lie.

Sam takes his glass of whiskey, drinks it all away in one big gulp, and grabs me by the shoulders with both arms. "You came with him and left with him. Tell me the truth, what happened? Why can you be with him and I can't???" he mumbles. The strong smell of alcohol hits me square in the face. Sam tries to order another glass of whiskey, but I signal the barman not to pour him any more. Sam scowls at me, turns and walks more or less straight towards the door.

"Where are you going?", I call after him, holding him tight. He shakes me off and keeps walking. Once outside, I repeat my question.

"I'm going to him!", Sam determines. "You're not going anywhere. I'm not letting you drive in this state!", I say annoyed.

Why do I have to play nanny to both of them anyway. "Come on, I'll drive you," I decide and put my arm around him.

In the car, I can hardly believe how similar the two of them are. These are probably the moments that connect the two of them.

Sam looks out the window and remains silent. I try several times to build the conversation, but Sam just shushes me.

"Sam, what do you want from Yu?", I ask honestly.


"Sam, your behavior is so contradictory. Do you even know what you want from him?", I continue to ask a little more sternly.

He at least looks my way. He even seems thoughtful. It remains a silence.

"Sam," I repeat, and am interrupted by a soft, deep voice that cuts to my core.

"He must take responsibility!", Sam surprises me. I'm shocked. Sam thinks Yu owes him something and must take responsibility??? Is Yu sitting next to me right now? Are the two of them really in the same reality? Now it's my turn to be silent.

I just don't have the words.

I am simply at a loss for words.

In front of Yu's house, Sam remains sitting for a while. I interrupt the silence, "Don't do anything you might regret!" That's all I can say.

"Tian, everything stays between us," Sam says and gets out.

I have to grin. This seems to be the day of reruns. Two unrelated and emotionally torn people make me relive the same words, gestures and driving distances repeatedly.

I want to get drunk now. 

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