the party

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After winning the Superbowl, the entire team went back to the hotel to get a shower and put on fresh clothes .

Ashley smiled as she watched Julian get ready, she honestly couldnt think of anyone else who deserved to catch the game winning ball , all his life he was always the short guy, the underdog.

"what is it babe"? Julian questioned his girlfriend with an award winning smile on his face.

"nothing babe, I was just thinking about how proud I am of you" she finished smiling back at him.

"I love you babe" he whispered lifting her chin with one finger and tenderly kissing her lips.

"one day I will make you my wife and we will live happily ever after" he said smiling.

Ashley giggled at her boyfriend "of course you're my prince in shiny armour" she said wrapping her arms around his neck. She squealed as Julian effortlessly picked her up chuckling at her being suprised. He rubbed his nose against her cheek, his beard tickling her. He smiled as she giggled "I dont know about wearing armour, but I do wear a football jersey" he said making both of them laugh.

They heard a knock on their hotel door, reluctantly pulling away from each other Julian went to go open the door "whats up Rob and Alaina" he said letting them in while finishing buttoning up his shirt "I hope we didnt inerrupt anything" the blonde haired woman said smiling as she walked around the room. The other 3 people in the room blushed and looked at anywhere but each other. "I mean after all Rob and I just got finished" she smirked walking over to the tall man grabbing his arm. Ashley and Rob's eyes met for a split second, they blushed even redder.

"Robbbbbbbb baby lets go, i wanna go party" Alaina said jumping up and down, her boobs bouncing as she jumped. Rob rolled his eyes and walked out, the woman following closely behind him.

Julian and Ashley glanced at each other and shared a small smile before following the couple.

The club was packed with patriots players and fans. The lights flashed and the music boomed through the many speakers.

Ashley saw Alaina grind on Rob, Rob was throwing back shot after shot of liquor. She shook her head and looked away only for Julian to lift her chin up and make her look in his eyes.

"hey babe whats wrong"? He asked gently placing his other hand on the small of her back.

"nothing" she whispered back smiling, glancing at Rob who was staring at the couple. He drank another shot, taking another and lifting it in the air nodding his head. Ashley took a shot and did the same. Julian looked in the direction she was looking and saw Rob, he smiled as he took his girlfriends hand in his and made his way to the center of the dance floor. Julian recieved many highfives as he made his way to the dance floor. Ashley immediately started grinding on him, feeling the beat of the music pound in her eardrums. Julian slid his hands around her waist. He rested his head on her shoulder, he moved her brown hair to the other side as he kissed on her neck. As she grinded into him , he grinded back. They looked like the most perfect couple in the world and Rob hated that, probably as much as he hated the woman currently trying to grind on him, but it wasnt the same as what Ashley was doing to Julian. She looked sexy doing it, and he couldnt help but wish that he was behind her instead of Julian. Alaina just wasnt doing it for him anymore as he sighed and grabbed her wrist.

"ready to go already babe" she asked rubbing her palm across the front of his pants. He rolled his eyes and tried not to gag. Instead of causing drama he just walked away. Alaina didnt even care, she shrugged her shoulders and found another man to dance with. Rob found his way to the bar, ordering drink after drink slowly but surely starting to feel numb.

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