Roses because I love you

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Julian and Ashley had just arrived back home from California , it had been a nice trip but Julian had been wrong it had not relaxed Ashley , even though she tried her hardest to only focus on Julian and his family her mind always went back to Rob. Julian had noticed Ashley making subtle changes , like when they would sleep together and he would always wrap his arms around her , she pulled out of his grasp and he noticed how when he'd tell her he loved her that her body would go stiff and she would reply in a monotone voice that she loved him too. It hurt Julian , he knew that whatever she was hiding from him was pulling them apart and deep down he knew that there wasn't anything he could do about it. 

Julian watched as his girlfriend moved around their bedroom putting their clothes up ; "hey babe" he said walking away from the spot he had been standing at in the doorway to wrap his muscular arms around her waist , Julian frowned when her body froze in his arms. He felt her force herself to relax ; "hey babe" she replied trying to get out of his grasp. 

"Why are you doing that"? He asked slightly tightening his grip on her waist

" doing what"? She asked back now nervous  

"Lately when I've put my arms around you , you immediately try to pull away" he said looking at her in the mirror that hung above their dresser.

"I just don't feel like cuddling right now , I'm busy" she swallowed thickly when she looked up and saw his blue eyes look hurtfully at her green ones.

Julian cleared his throat as he backed away from his girlfriend "well what about the other times then"? He asked still staring at her  in the mirror.

" Jules its nothing  honestly sometimes I just like a little space" she bit back harshly while slamming a drawer shut.

"A little space? After we've been together for three years you've never needed space before" he frowned watching as she spun around quickly

"Yeah well sometimes people change Julian" she said moving past Julian to get her purse.

"Where are you going"? Julian asked folding his arms over his chest.

Ashley huffed as she grabbed her purse and stood up staring into his eyes " why do you have to know everything I'm doing and everywhere I'm going"? She asked back pushing past him and walking down the stairs taking two at the time.

Julian followed behind her and spoke just as she put her hand on the door handle " I love you Ashley , I may not understand what's going on but I hope you know I love you" he said sadly.

Ashley closed her eyes tightly at the sound of his voice "I love you too Jules " she said barely above a whisper before opening up the door and leaving.

Julian watched as she left and stood there for awhile afterwards , he didn't know if he was waiting for her to run back inside and jump in his arms or if he was standing there in disbelief that they just had there first argument in the whole three years they had been together.


Driving around


Ashley had just been driving around town for almost five hours , Julian had of course tried to call her multiple times but she couldn't talk to him not now , not after seeing him look so hurt by what she said before leaving. She had of course immediately regretted her words but she just felt so frustrated by the fact that she still had feelings for Rob.

Ashley's phone vibrated bringing her out of her thoughts again , she looked down at her phone to see that Rob was calling.

"What do you want"? She asked harshly after picking up the phone

" where are you? Julian is worried about you , he keeps calling everyone asking if we've seen or heard from you" he said with a tone of worry himself

Ashley just cried " I don't know what to do anymore" she sobbed , pulling over on the side of the road 

"Meet me at the Olive Garden downtown" he said quickly grabbing his keys and hanging up


At Olive Garden


Drying her tears Ashley had got back on the road and went to Olive Garden she stayed in her car until she saw Rob's car pull in beside her own.

Rob got out of his car and opened up Ashley's door swiftly bringing her in for a hug. 

"Sssshhh calm down Ashley ,I'm sorry , I'm so sorry about this" he whispered into her hair , kissing her head.

After a few minutes her sobs grew quiet turning into hiccups, Rob gently pulled her body away from his and wiped away her tears with his thumbs.

"You still look beautiful even after you've been crying" he said with a smile when she chuckled.

" I've got something for you" he said turning around and getting something out of his passenger side door. "Close your eyes" he said with a grin while holding something behind his back.

Ashley rolled her eyes but did as she was told.

"No peeking" he laughed as he saw her opening up one eye to look. After Rob was sure she wasn't looking he brought the gift from behind his back.

"You can look now" he said smiling as her eyes widened when she saw the gift.

"Oh Rob they're beautiful" she said before smelling the red roses. 

" Roses because I love you" he said , his smile widening as she blushed.

"Thank you Rob" she replied back.

" now let's go eat" he said with a laugh as Ashley had muttered a quick "you're always hungry".


Going Home


Rob and Ashley went their seperate ways after dinner, Ashley sighed as she parked outside of her and Julian's home, from outside she could see that all of the lights were on in the house and she knew that Julian was most likely still worried about her.

Ashley walked in the house and was surprised that Julian had not greeted her at the door, instead he was sleeping on the couch his phone on his chest and dried tear streaks down his face disappearing into his beard.

She moved his phone and layed on top of him , immediately she felt his arms wrap around her tightly.

" I love you Jules" she whispered kissing his cheek 

"Love you too" he muttered in his sleep.

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