pregnant? part 2

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Rob rolled over in his sleep when he heard the sound of his phone vibrating on his nightstand. "Hello"? He rasped out not even looking at his phone. "I'm pregnant" he heard Ashley's voice say through tears. "What"? He asked now wide awake. "I'm pregnant damn't" she said again now with more clarity. Rob couldn't believe what he just heard, for maybe the first time in his life he was stunned into silence.
"Rob please say something" he heard Ashley beg and it broke his heart hearing the desperation in her voice. "Do you..... Do you know if it's mine"? He asked and couldn't help but smile a little when he heard her give a watery chuckle "no it's too soon for that" she said with a sigh before continuing "Julian he's ...... He's so happy..... He thinks...... Well ya know he thinks he's the father Rob and ...... And I just ........ I just can't break his heart Rob..... Not like this..... If ..... Oh God I can't believe I'm saying this but no matter who's baby it is ...... I want him to help me raise it...... I want Julian to be the father even if it is yours" she finished and Rob felt like a house had been dropped on his chest. "What"? Was all he could muster up to say "you've got to be kidding me Ashley. What if it's my baby? I've got every right as Julian to be in his or her life as it's father" he said seemingly now talking to himself. He felt like he was in a maze as his head started spinning around and around.

"Rob you've got to understand that Julian would be the better father" she whispered harshly to him.
"DAMN'T YOU DON'T GET TO MAKE THAT DECISION" he roared through the phone slamming his hand down on his nightstand table, almost breaking it with the sheer force of his fist. "Rob please, you have to understand" she whispered through her tears. "No Ashley I'm sorry I don't understand why you don't want me taking care of possibly my fucking kid" he spat out at her harshly.

Ashley was at a loss for words, she wasn't expecting Rob to act this way about her suggestion. She thought he would be all for it , especially with him still living the bachelor lifestyle. "Ashley if you do this..... I swear to God if you try to take my kid away from me and make Julian believe it's his ..... I swear to God I'll tell him..... I'll tell him everything" he said and Ashley gasped. "No .... Please Rob .... Please tell me you wouldn't" she couldn't help but to sob, letting her tears flow freely now.
"I have every right as much as Julian to be a father to my child" he replied back still angry.
"Like you said before, this isn't just about us any more Ashley" he said before hanging up and slamming the phone down. 

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