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Ashley had woken up first, the sun was shining and it looked like a beautiful day in New England but she felt like the exact opposite. Her body ached and she knew there would be bruises on her body from where Julian roughly held her and kissed her. She looked over and glanced at Julian, he was sleeping peacefully light snoring coming from him. She couldn't believe everything that had happened last night , Julian had a problem , a problem that he would have to fix on his own before she talked to him again, with her mind made up she grabbed her clothes and put them on before leaving Julian.


Julian had went home later on and was currently laying on his couch when he heard a knock on his door. His head felt like someone had hit it with a hammer and it didn't help that whoever was knocking on his door wouldn't stop. "Come in" he yelled wincing at the sound of his own voice. He hated hangovers , and made a mental note to keep some Tylenol near him.
"JULIAN EDELMAN" his mom yelled when she walked in the house and saw what a disaster it was.
"Mom" he jumped up surprised to see her and instantly grabbed his head when he felt himself get dizzy.
"There's alcohol everywhere, I'm so disappointed with you , what's going on with you?" she asked looking at her son with concern.
"Mom I-" he was about to try and start explaining but felt relieved when his dad came in and told his mom that they would talk.
He could see the disappointment in his dad's eyes and instantly felt like a little kid again about to be scolded by his dad. Julian sat down and sighed, he was about to take a drink of whiskey when his dad snatched it out of his hand and gave him water instead.
"No more alcohol" was all he said before he made his way over to the trashcan and threw it away.
"Why are you and mom here"? Julian asked before taking a sip of water. His dad sighed before going to sit beside him "your mom and I had planned on coming but I guess you don't remember from the look of the house." he said before letting out a little chuckle. "We drove by the house early this morning and didn't see a car so we thought that you and Ashley had maybe gone somewhere , we tried to call you but no answer so we called her and she picked up , had told us to come over so we could talk." his father said and looked away , he could tell his dad was disappointed in him , Julian gulped waiting on him to continue. "Ashley told us what happened last night , she told us what has been going on........ Julian you need to get help. If not for you then for your daughter. Your mom and I don't care if you and Ashley stay together, we love her like a daughter but what we do care about is your health and you being here for Meaghan" he finished. Julian looked away ashamed but couldn't help but quietly say "seems like Rob has already taken my place as her dad".
"That's bullshit and you know it Julian, no man will ever replace you in her life. Ashley still loves you too , but you have caused her a lot of pain" he heard his mom say.
He could feel his body grow hot with anger "yeah well she caused me a lot of pain too mom" he jumped up and said, making his parents flinch at the sound of his voice. "She went behind my back and fucked my best friend, she fucked Rob and didn't give a Damn about my feelings" he finished with a sob and falling down on his knees.
His mom and dad looked at each other for a moment before his mom sighed and got down on the floor with Julian. "I loved her mom, I wanted to marry her , I still love her" he said in between sobs. She rocked him back and forth gently and rubbed his head. "I know Jules but what you did to her , hurt her , you have a daughter now and that should be the only person that matters. Sometimes life gets difficult and it hurts , sometimes relationships don't work out the way we want them to but at the end of the day you will always have your baby girl. You need to be here for her and you can't do that if you're drinking the way that you are" she finished but continued to rock him back and forth.
Julian's sobs were slowly turning into hiccups , She helped him up the stairs and helped him get into bed, as soon as he laid his head down he fell asleep.


Julian's mom and dad had cleaned the house while he slept , they got rid of all the alcohol that they could find in the house.
His mom later went shopping and filled the fridge with only water and Gatorade to drink.


When Julian woke up it was dark outside , at first he was confused as to how he got in bed but then everything came back to him , it was like a train had hit him since he had time to sober up all the memories were flying into his head.
Julian rolled over and he could immediately smell Ashley's perfume on the pillow beside his , he grabbed it and held it tightly. He missed her so much , he messed up , he knew he had hurt her. Julian glanced at his clock, it was 3:45am. She would be sleeping in Rob's arms right now he thought as a tear slid down his face and fell on his pillow. He hugged the pillow tighter and soon he was back to sleep.


When Julian woke up again the sun was shining through the blinds and he could hear birds chirping outside his bedroom window. He had closed his eyes again but they shot open when he heard a baby's high pitch laughter. He put on some sweatpants and threw on a clean shirt before rushing downstairs. When he got to the second to last step he froze , there stood Ashley and Meaghan , his dad was holding Meaghan lifting her up and down making her laugh and squeal. His mom was talking to Ashley , whatever it was they were both smiling about.
"Da da!!!" he heard and suddenly all eyes were on him as Meaghan tried to reach her tiny arms over to him to be held. "Da da , da da , da da" was all that could be heard and Meaghan's laughter. His dad brought her over to him about to hand her to him when he stopped and looked at Ashley.
She nodded her head without a second thought "he can hold her" She said and gave Julian a small smile.
Meaghan was putting her tiny hands all over his face and her laughter would get louder everytime Julian would kiss her chubby little cheeks or hands.

Ashley watched as Julian held their daughter , she had debated in coming over so soon but Meaghan had been chanting nothing but "Da da" for hours , nothing seemed to get her to stop asking for him and she knew that she wouldn't be able to stop him from seeing his baby.

While she had a smile on the outside it was everything but that on the inside , she now knew without a doubt that they could be nothing more than friends. She would just have to tell that to Julian now.


Hey guys I'm so sorry about the long wait but I have made this a long chapter :) I hope you enjoy it. Leave a comment and tell me what you think about the new chapter please

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