in bed with you

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Ashley had arrived at the police station not long after Rob called her and he had been released to her with no issues.
"What happened"? She asked Rob after she started the car.
"Nothing" he replied quickly making her agitated with him.
"Damn't Rob I have a right to know" she exclaimed , her voice rising making Meaghan start to cry.
Rob gently touched her hand and looked at her apologetically when he noticed she had started crying.
"Let me drive" he said already unbuckling his seatbelt.
Once in the passenger seat Ashley was able to hold her baby making her cry even more when she noticed how much she looked like Julian. "My life is such a mess" she whispered and jumped slightly when Rob held her hand with the one he wasn't using to drive with.
"Things will get better" he said before making a turn down a street that Ashley knew was in the opposite direction of where she lived.
"Rob where are we going"? She asked looking at him confused.
"My house of course" he replied like it was the most obvious answer.


Luckily Ashley had brought a bag of Meaghan's things with her before she had left the house so after she got Meaghan ready for bed she had went downstairs to see what Rob wanted for dinner. She was surprised to say the least when she noticed the lights turned down low and a meal already prepared on the table with candles lighting the table in the center.
"What's this"? She asked still in shock.
"Just a little something" he said with a smile pulling out her chair for her.


Dinner had been spectacular, Ashley had not know that Rob could cook that good but she supposed living a bachelor lifestyle that at some point he had to learn. She couldn't wipe the smile off of her face as she helped Rob clean the dishes.
"Thank you" she said stopping what she was cleaning to look at him.
R- "What for"?
A- "for everything, especially tonight it means a lot to know that I have someone that cares" she said and if possible her smile widened.
R- "anything for you" He whispered before leaning down to capture her lips with his own. Withing a matter of minutes their hands were touching every inch of each others body, their hands exploring.
Before she knew it Rob had picked her up and started walking but it didn't stop him from continuing to kiss her. She moaned when he suddenly found a sensitive part of her neck and gasped when he kissed it with more vigor. She suddenly felt drunk like his lips and touch were like a sweet wine.
Rob laid her on his bed and took off his clothes in record time going back to pleasing the woman in front of him. "Are you sure you want this"? He asked stopping to look in her eyes sincerely and to answer his question Ashley grabbed his face with both hands pulling his lips to hers.


Rob laid awake while he watched Ashley sleep. It felt good to have her in his bed and it felt even better knowing that she felt the same way about him that he felt about her.
He kissed her neck and smiled when she pulled the covers over her head. "No more go to sleep" she said sleepily making him chuckle before he too laid down and pulled her body closer to his.
"Love you" he said squeezing her
"Love you too" she mumbled.


Ashley woke up around 8am making her jump out of bed and sprint to the room she had put Meaghan in the night before. She didn't see her there either making her heart beat speed up already freaking out about not knowing where her baby girl was. When she ran down the steps she stopped immediately and watched as Rob with Meaghan in one arm and a spatula in the other flipped a pancake over. She smiled at the scene and placed a hand over her heart to help calm herself down.
"Hey you" she said walking over to him and standing on her tip-toes to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey Sleepyhead I'm just about finished with breakfast if you want to grab some plates" he said absentmindedly as he flipped another pancake.
She she was doing so she continued to watch Rob with her baby "how did you get her to stay asleep"? She asked curiously.
"You had a bottle down here so I just warmed it up so I wouldn't have to wake you up" He said placing the pancakes on the plates Ashley had sat out for them.
"Thank you" she said standing on her tip-toes to kiss his cheek again but Rob turned his head quickly making her kiss his lips instead.
"Your welcome" he smirked at her before handing her Meaghan.
So they sat there together in a peaceful silence as they ate and They each couldn't help but notice how good of a family that they made. 

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