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Rob was finding it hard to control himself and he had only been in their house for not even five whole minutes, it was an awkward situation to say the least. 

Once Rob had got in the house he had sat down on the couch, while Ashley had sat down on a loveseat ; neither had yet to speak a word. Rob glanced at the brunette out of the corner of his eye, she was trying to pull down Julian's shirt that she was wearing down to cover as much skin as possible , her hair was tousled ; Rob guessed from making love with Julian and it angered him just thinking about it. 

Ashley was silently cursing herself for not wearing something more decent that morning, she could feel Rob looking at her but everytime she glanced up she didn't see him looking. 

The tension in the room could have been cut with a knife, all that could be heard was the clock ticking as the seconds passed but everytime Rob and Ashley looked at the clock only a minute had passed ; it was a cruel joke.

Ashley couldn't take the awkwardness anymore and stood up , clearing her throat "would you like something to drink"? She asked. 

Rob jumped not prepared for the suddeness of her getting up and asking him something. "i'm sorry what"? He fumbled to find words, blushing madly at himself.

"I asked you if you wanted something to drink" Ashley asked again.

"I'll take a water please" he said and watched as she made her way in the kitchen. 

He gulped as he all of a sudden felt hot, had she tuned the temperature up or was it just him? He questioned himself . He could feel a bead of sweat roll down the side of his face. FUCK she looked sexy in that shirt. His pants started to get a little tighter. He gulped again as she opened up the refrigerator door.  

Ashley took the chance to take a deep breath while she opened the refrigerator door, she could only hope that Julian would hurry and get out of the shower. 

After getting a bottle of water Ashley closed the door , she gasped as Rob was right infront of her. 

"Damn't Rob don't do that you scared me" Ashley said putting a hand to her chest to calm her heartbeat. 

Rob tried to cover up his laugh with a cough , "sorry" he said with a smirk on his face.

Ashley just noticed at how close that they actually were , their chest were not even two inches apart. She could see the lines of his muscles within his shirt, her eyes moved up his body , memorising where muscles started and ended. Finally her eyes met his , she blushed madly at the knowing smirk that was on his face.

"See something you like"? He asked lightly running his fingers up her arm , his fingers ghosted over her slightly exposed shoulder ; he let one finger move up her neck , Ashley unconsciously moved her head to the side to give him better access as everywhere he touched got goosebumps. Rob rubbed at her jawline as he leaned down , their faces were inches apart now. "You're so beautiful" he whispered before they closed their eyes and kissed passionately. Both of his hands now cupped her face, their lips danced together . 

Rob allowed one of his hands to drift down to her waist to hold her waist, their bodies were now pressed flush against each other . Ashley let out a moan as Rob moved away from her lips to her neck, her eyes were still closed in pleasure and her lips tingled from the heated kiss. Rob let his other hand drift down to her thigh to lift up her shirt , exposing  her silky smooth skin underneath. 

Rob effortlessly picked Ashley up and sat her on the island in the middle of the kitchen, using his leg he pushed her legs apart and moved inbetween them to get better access to her neck. Rob lifted her shirt up and threw it somewhere behind him. His eyes drank in her body, she was completely naked since she wasn't wearing anything under Julian's shirt. "Fuck you're gorgeous" he whispered before cupping her face and kissing her again.

Rob once again moved down her body , kissing every inch of her skin. 

"Oh , Julian" Ashley moaned quietly but Rob heard her and immediately stopped. He scowled as he looked at her surprised face that was still slightly pink from blushing.

"What the fuck was that"? He asked angrily 

" what do you mean what the fuck was that, earth to Rob I'm still fucking dating Julian who if you forgot is right fucking upstairs taking a shower" Ashley said equally pissed off at the situation.

Ashley moved from the spot Rob had sat her down at on the island to find her shirt, Rob walked away angrily , upstairs they heard the shower cut off and Julian's voice yell down saying he'd be out in a minute. 

Ashley rushed to put on her shirt and sighed as she saw Rob sitting on the bottom stair with his head in his hands.

"Rob i love Julian , this has got to stop between us" she said 

"Whycan't you see that I fucking love you" he whispered  angrily , punching the wall and walking away from the now wide eyed girl. She had not been expecting his response or him punching the wall.

Not even two minutes later Julian walked down the stairs , Rob told him he'd be waiting outside in the car for him, then walked out the couples house slamming the door.

"What's wrong with him"? Julian asked his girlfriend.

" he's just having a bad day today babe" Ashley said smiling at Julian

"Alright I better get going then babe, I'll see you when i get home, I love you" he said kissing her cheek.

"I love you too babe, I'll see you when you get home, have a good time babe" Ashley said giving him a quick kiss on the lips before he walked out the door.

As she heard Rob's car pull out the driveway , Ashley sighed rubbing her temples. 

"Damn this is a mess" she said.  

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