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With their lives in a mix, one thing was constant and that was practice.
On the first day back when Julian arrived everyone was quiet glancing between him and Rob to see what was going to happen. Julian glared at Rob and went next to Tom, he wasn't going to let his personal life effect football or at least try his best not to.
"Hey man, you okay"? Tom asked him putting his hand on Julian's shoulder.
"I don't know what to do or how to feel" he answered honestly but before Tom could reply back, Coach Belicheck came on the field.
"Quiet now" he said effectively gaining everyone's attention. "Rumors have been spreading and papers have been put out about us, we're a team and when one player isn't efficiently playing then none of us are. Sometimes shit happens in life but you have to keep moving forward and that's what I expect from all of you" he said with a no bullshit tone to his voice. "Now enough with the talking, let's play some football" he said throwing the hall to Tom and just like that it seemed like their lives were back in motion.


At home Julian's life was not going as simple as on the field , he missed Ashley and late at night alone in their bed he greatly missed having her body beside his.
It seemed like every room in their house held some memory of her and happier times together.
It's funny how time works, in reality he had not been away from Ashley that long but to him it felt like years.
Remembering times they shared together made him begin to wonder how long ago had she started to pull away from him? Then another question shot in his mind..... If she was happier with Rob , could he let her go?


Everywhere Rob seemed to go the paparazzi followed him asking question after question about him and Ashley.
He wondered how she was doing and wondered what would happen when she finally decided to come back home.
His brothers had called him asking him what the hell was wrong with him but none was as bad as when his mom called him saying "she didn't raise her son that way" but she shut up as soon as he told her that he loved Ashley.
He knew that wasn't a good enough reason to go chasing after a girl in a relationship with his best friend but they had had a past , a past that he messed up in but he had grown and wanted a second chance now.
Rob sighed realising what a mess he was in and had created. Maybe he should have left things the way they were......... And maybe he should do what Ashley said and just let Julian be the father no matter whose baby it was........ After all she did seem happier with him anyways.


The past week she had been away from Rob and Julian she finally had time to think to herself.
How much she missed Julian and how she now realised her feelings for Rob that had never truly left her.
Spending her time thinking had been difficult at first especially since it seemed like her and Rob's affair was the only thing people were talking about.
Ashley sighed sitting down in the warm tub , a part of her wished she could just stay here and not have to go back to Boston. But as she sat there she knew she would have to go back soon, she rubbed her growing belly and smiled to herself. Whose ever baby it turned out to be she would love it forever even if she would have to take care of it by herself.

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