Best for you

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For the past few days Tom , Julian , Rob , and Danny were practicing together ; even though it was during off season they still kept in touch often and practiced together to stay in top shape.

It had been almost four days now since Rob had talked to Ashley or seen her, it was getting harder for him as each day passed and it seemed that every song on the radio seemed to remind him of her. When his mind would start thinking about her, start thinking about breaking his promise to her ; he would remind himself that he wanted what's best for her. It wasn't about what he wanted , it wasn't about what would make him happy ; it was all about what she deserved and that was being with a man that wouldn't break her heart. 

It was hard, very hard , Rob couldn't lie to himself ; because even though he knew Julian was good for her , he also knew that he himself had grown as a man over the past couple of years. It was also hard to stop thinking about her when Julian kept talking about her, just yesterday he had asked Tom for advice on proposing to her and that had broken Rob's heart. 

Danny had looked at him curiously when he saw the pained expression on his face, but Rob quickly told Tom , Julian , and Danny that he wasn't feeling well and had made a quick exit. 

Now it was Tuesday the last day they were going to practice together during off season , the next time they'd practice together would be with the rest of the team for their pre season games. Rob was thankful for it , rolling over in his bed he picked up the picture he had of himself and Ashley on hhis nightstand that he had one night in anger hastily shoved it face down. Rob sighed once again putting it face down , getting out of bed he fixed himself a quick breakfast and protein shake before getting ready to go over to Julian and Ashley's house to pick him up for practice. He had never felt so torn about wanting to see someone before, on one hand he didn't want to see her so he wouldn't do something he'd regret but on the other hand he wanted to see her, to hopefully see her smile and hear her laugh or at least hear her voice. Rob sighed before getting in his car , hopefully today wouldn't be a long day.

**** Julian and Ashley's house ****

"Mmhmm something smells good"Julian said wrapping his arms around Ashley's waist as she cooked him a big breakfast.

Ashley giggled before turning her head slightly to peck his cheek with a couple of kisses. "Goodmorning sleepyhead" she said as she picked up a piece of Bacon to feed him. 

Julian ate the offered piece of bacon to him then chuckled when his stomach growled wanting more. 

Ashley shook her head in amusement as Julian moved away from her to get himself and her plates and silverware. "You sure did get up early babe, did you sleep okay"? Julian asked her , glancing up waiting for her answer. Ashley froze for a second but quickly recovered before Julian could even notice the slight pause. " yeah babe , I just woke up early" she replied back.

Julian had finished setting the table and went back over to his girlfriend and wrapped his arms around her again , kissing her neck once then quickly stealing a piece of Bacon away from the plate she had set aside that she'd already cooked; he laughed as she tried to smack his hand away but was unsuccessful. "See babe that's why they call me squirrel , my reflexes are always on point , it doesn't matter if its two in the afternoon or two in the morning" he said laughing again when he smacked her booty making her jump. 

After breakfast Julian went upstairs to shower and get ready for practice , Julian had just got in the shower when Ashley had heard a knock on their door, throwing the dish towel she was using to dry the dishes with over her shoulder she made her way to the door drying her hands.

Rob stood on Julian and Ashley's front porch after knocking silently hoping Julian answered the door so they could get to practice. 

The door opened and Rob had to fight to keep his mouth closed , Ashley was only wearing one of Julian's JE11 shirts that he sells. 

He must of been staring because Ashley was blushing when she cleared her throat gaining his attention .

"Sorry is Julian here"? Rob asked rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

" yeah , he's getting a shower right now though , just come in and sit down he should be out in a minute" she said stepping aside letting him walk in. 

Rob could only hope that Julian would hurry up because damn't what Ashley had on was tempting him to just say Fuck everything and just go with his heart and take her for himself.

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