Just a little meeting

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It was currently three in the morning and Rob couldn't sleep, he was still pissed about Ashley moaning Julian's name earlier. "FUCK" he yelled grabbing his head and closing his eyes tightly , trying to forget it. The scene just kept replaying in his mind , it seemed like his brain wanted to run it in his face that the girl he loved was with another man but not just any man his fucking best friend he thought angrily. 

Rob sat on the edge of his bed and took one glance at the picture of himself and Ashley and decided to text her.

*** At Julian and Ashley's house*** 

Ashley laid awake in Julian's arms , she felt dirty lying there after what her and Rob had done earlier, she was betraying the man that she loved for a man that had broken her heart ............. and she couldn't deny that Rob was simply put a man she lusted over. Turning around in Julian's arms she ran her fingers through his hair ; she smiled when he sighed in contentment. Ashley lightly kissed his lips and rubbed his bicep up and down gently , Julian still asleep pulled her body closer to his.

Ashley's phone vibrated loudly on her nightstand, turning around in Julian's arms she picked it up , squniting her eyes at the bright screen.

Rob- are you up?

Ashley- yes. What do you want Rob?

R- we need to talk.

A- it's 3 the morning. We can talk later.

R- no we need to talk now , just come over.

A- you have got to be kidding me , right now? I'm in bed with Julian (you know my boyfriend) what the Fuck do you want me to tell him? That I'm going out for a quick run.

R- just say what you -

Ashley quickly exited out of her messages when Julian said her name.

"Babe who are you talking to it's three in the morning" Julian said sleepily

Thinking quickly she said "My friend Shantel from college, she's got a flat tire and she was asking if I could pick her up and take her to her apartment".

"I'll go with you" he replied yawning and starting to get up but stopped when Ashley put her hand on his broad shoulder "no babe it's okay I'll go, she's like 30 minutes away and she's drunk" she said getting up.

Julian watched as his girlfriend put on leggings and a sweater , he had that feeling again that something was going on in their relationship. Julian trusted Ashley though , they had been together for 3 years , faced many ups and downs ; if someone was trying to intefer with what they had built , he trusted that Ashley would pick him. 

"I'll be back soon babe" she said putting an end to his thoughts.

"Be careful" he said

"Don't worry , I'll be home soon , probably before you wake up" she said going over to him and kissing his cheek. Before she could walk away Julian grabbed her waist and hugged her , he closed his eyes tightly as he rested his head on her stomach, trying to get rid of his thoughts of her leaving him for another man out of his head he kissed her stomach lightly. "I love you so much Ashley , you mean everything to me" he said glancing up at her from his spot on their bed. "Babe I'm just going to help my friend with her car" Ashley lied , looking away from his piercing gaze.

Julian stood up and put a finger under her chin , turning it so she was looking at him. "I know but I just wanted you to know that, we've been together for 3 years now and I can't see myself with anyone but you , I can't picture myself starting a family with anyone but you" he said using his fingers to wipe away the tears that were now running down her cheeks. "I love you Julian" she whispered trying to hold back her tears. "I love you too babe" he said kissing her softly on the lips. "Now go help your friend so you can come back home and we can spend the day in bed" he said with a grin while wiggling his eyebrows making Ashley laugh.

***at Rob's house***

Rob jumped up off his couch where he had moved to sit when he heard a car pull up in his driveway. Rob opened up his door and watched as Ashley got out of her car and made her way over to him. The smile that he had turned to a frown when he saw tear marks down her cheeks as she walked past him into his house.

"You've been crying" he stated plainly 

"No shit Rob, I'm going behind Julian's back lying to the man I love to come and see you" she said angrily.

R- "I love you"

A- "Rob how do you even know what love is"? She asked angrily

R- " I know what it is because I feel it everytime I look at you and it hurts everytime I see you with Julian" Rob said watching for her reaction

A- "why did you even want me to come here"? She asked still agitated

R- " because Ashley I ........ I don't know how much longer I can watch you and Julian shove it in my face that you're together , I don't care that he's my best friend any more because my love for you means more than that."

Rob walked over to her, his tall figure towering over her much smaller one , he brushed some loose strands of hair behind her ear "all those years ago, I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life by letting you go, let me fix it" he said brushing his lips against her neck.

"I'm not a toy Rob , you can't just break me and expect to fix things up and keep playing with me" she said trying to move away from him but he had a grip on her arms

"I know that and if you give me another chance I'll never break your heart again" he said and kissed her.

Rob picked her up , kissing her harder when she gasped surprised by the sudden movement, he sat down on the couch placing her on his lap.

Ashley couldn't help but moan when Rob lifted her shirt up and broke her bra.

Rob was kissing down her body and grinding his erection against her core when they heard a gasp making them break apart.

Rob's older brother Dan stood at the bottom of the stairs in shock, he took one glance at Ashley and quickly looked back at his younger brother "Rob you didn't" he stated still shocked.

Rob moved his body infront of Ashley and scowled at his brother "leave Dan" he said but was surprised when a dressed again Ashley walked past him and his brother to the door. "It's okay I'm leaving" she said before walking out the door. Rob called her name and tried to go after her but Dan grabbed his arm. "Rob she's with Julian what the Fuck are you doing" he said, Rob turned around quickly pissed at his brother "I love her" he yelled. Dan let go of his arm in surprise and Rob took the chance to run out the door but he was too late too talk to her, she was pulling out of his driveway.

***** hey guys does this still seem like a real story, or was this chapter too fake???***** 

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