I just want you to love me the way I love you

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"Mom I miss her, I know its been years now and that she's moved on but ......." Rob said.

"But you've realised that you love her now" his mom finished for him with a sad smile on her face. "Rob hunny I know it hurts and I know you don't want to hear this but you've got to let her live her life, what you're doing now , what Dan told me he saw you doing........ Rob not only are you pushing her away ; do you even realise what this could do to your team if this got out to the public" his mother continued exasperated.

Rob sighed on the other end of the phone , of course his mom is right , she's always right but that still didn't lessen the blow to his heart that her words caused.


After getting off the phone with his mom Rob decided that playing a little football would clear his mind. Rob would have called Tom but he was on vacation , Danny was with his girlfriend, and Chandler was helping his brother Jon train for a UFC fight. Rob sighed as he picked up his car keys and decided he'd just drive by Julian's to see if he wanted to play.


Julian was outside putting his and Ashley's suitcases in his car when Rob pulled up in his car.

Julian: "hey man what's up, what are you doing here"? Julian asked as he put down a suitcase and walked over to his friend.

Rob: " nothing much, just needed to get my mind off some things so I thought I'd drop by and see if you wanted to throw the ball around a bit" Rob said while rubbing the back of his neck feeling uncomfortable.

J: "naw sorry bro , Ashley and I are going to my parents house in Cali , we promised them earlier this week that we'd come and visit them"

R: " oh , that sounds nice. Hope you guys have fun" Rob said quickly 

J:Julian frowned before replying "what's on your mind? We can talk about it. It looks like whatever it is , is bothering you"

R: " It's nothing , don't worry about it" 

J: Julian raised an eyebrow suspiciously at his friend , he'd never seen Rob act this way before "you didn't get a girl pregnant did you"? He asked 

R: Rob almost choked on his spit when Julian asked him that " WHAT ? Fuck no , I just have some things on my mind that's all" 

J: Julian couldn't help but laugh at the look on Rob's face "okay that's good to hear, at least we know there won't be any little Rob's running around the world yet trying to gronk spike everything, but when we get back on Monday we can hit the field and do a little pre season training"

R: "alright that sounds like a plan, I'll see you Monday then. Have a good trip" Rob said starting to walk back to his car.

J: "wait Rob , I need to go get some batteries for our security system , do you mind staying here and helping Ashley finish packing while I go get them? It will only take a minute" 

R: Rob gulped he wasn't expecting to see her today , but he couldn't  lie that he felt a wave of happiness at the thought of it. " sure bro" he said turning back around with a smile on his face.

J: "thanks she's upstairs, just tell her I'll be back in a minute" Julian said before getting in his car and driving off.


Rob walked upstairs to find Ashley putting her clothes in a suitcase while singing along to Ed Sheeran's song thinking out loud. He smiled as he leaned on the doorway watching her. 

Ashley gasped and dropped the clothes she was holding when she turned around and saw Rob standing there.

"What are you doing here? Where is Julian at"? She asked as she picked up the clothes she had dropped

" I had come here to see if Julian wanted to play football ,  I guess that answers the first question. Julian went to go get batteries for the security system, he said he'd be back in a minute. Meanwhile he wanted me to stay here and help you finish packing" he said.

" Well  I don't need your help"  she huffed, rolling her eyes at the stupid grin on his face.

"Why? I liked hearing you sing" Rob said chuckling as she glared at him over her shoulder.

In a few strides Rob was beside her helping her finish packing her suitcase.


Both Rob and Ashley kept secretly glancing at each other out of the corner of their eyes. Every once in awhile they would catch one another sneaking a glance and would blush. 

"Rob this has got to stop" Ashley said frustrated

"What?" Rob asked confused with a frown 

" Don't play dumb Rob, this has got to stop" Ashley said again motioning between them

"So you're just going to pretend like what we had didn't mean anything to you" he said shaking his head in disbelief

"HAD , ROB WHAT WE HAD NOT HAVE, plus WE didn't have anything ; my feelings for you were not returned but now all of a sudden they are?" Ashley spat furiously.

" I WAS YOUNG , I WAS STUPID. WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING SAY ASHLEY"? he yelled back now equally as mad 

Rob and Ashley stood there , clothes forgotten about , just staring at each other both still angry and frustrated at the other.

Rob was the first to break the silence with a sigh, he shook his head and looked down at his feet before speaking again "I'll leave you alone , I'll let you and Julian live your happily ever after , I'll leave the past in the past............ But only if you can look at me right now , look me in my eyes and tell me that you don't feel anything else for me , that you don't think about me anymore" he finished cupping her cheek with his hand.

Ashley let her eyes close at Rob's gentle touch and a single tear rolled down her cheek which he wiped away. Ashley leaned closer to Rob , their faces now a couple inches apart , Rob brushed his lips against hers.

They Jumped apart when they heard the front door downstairs open and Julian say that he was back home. 

Rob sighed knowing he wasn't going to get an answer now , looking sadly over at Ashley he gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before he walked downstairs. After telling Julian bye he quickly walked out the door , got in his car and went home.


"Ready to go to Cali babe"? Julian asked walking up behind Ashley and wrapping his arms around her.

" yeah Jules" she said forcing a smile on her face. 

Julian spun her around in his arms and kissed her. Ashley wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him deeper trying to get all thoughts of Rob out of her mind.

The kiss got heated and soon the suitcases were pushed to the floor and Julian and Ashley were on the bed making love. 

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