The Park

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You would think that being at the park and playing football with the kids that Julians thoughts would drift away from Ashley, but it was the exact opposite; Julian found himself thinking about Ashley and himself being at the park with their own kids. He knew that to take things a step further he would have to first find out what was wrong with his girlfriend and fix it, either subconsciously or consciously Julian didn't know which but he found himself holding his grandmothers wedding ring in his hand.Julian didn't understand why he continued to hold back from proposing to Ashley, he knew in his heart that he was ready to marry her, deciding that it was nerves he shook his head and tried to stay focused on the kids.

"Good catch, if I'm still in the league in 7 or 8 years I'll have to watch out for you" Julian smiled genuinely and ruffled one of the older boys hair. "Thanks" he said before running over to his friends.

Rob walked over to Julian and put a hand on his shoulder , "Just think in a few more years once we've retired these boys will be taking our place" Rob said smiling down at the smaller man. "Yeah" Julian replied back watching as the older boys they just got done playing football with started showing the younger kids what they learned.

"What's wrong man? It's like you haven't been all the way here today" Rob said as they made their way over to a sandwich place across the street.

Julian sighed and rubbed the back of his neck in slight frustration "I don't know to be honest with you, Ashley was just acting weird this morning, its hard to explain." Julian said as they walked inside the sandwich place and ordered what they wanted.

After getting their food and walking back outside Julian continued "after all of the years we've been together I can't think of a time that Ashley has cried, this morning when I woke up and went downstairs she was crying, she wouldn't tell me why. Then before we left to come here, I noticed that she looked tired, like she hasn't been sleeping that much" Julian finished taking a bite of his sandwich.

Hearing that Ashley had been crying made Rob loose his appetite , it was never his intention to make her cry. He started second guessing on trying to get her back, yes he wanted her back, he wanted a second chance but not if that meant hurting her. Rob wanted to prove to her that he wouldn't break her heart again but it seemed that so far he was failing.

"Hey man aren't you going to eat"? Julian asked breaking Rob away from his thoughts. They finished eating in silence, both in their own thoughts.

" has Ashley ever told you about her past"? Rob asked surprising Julian

"What do you mean"? -J

" ya know like anything that would make her cry" -R

"No.......... None that I can think of, she's close with her parents and everything so I know it can't be her family" -J

"Any ex boyfriends"? -R

Julian frowned as he thought about the question

" I mean me and Ashley have been together for 3 years now so ex boyfriends shouldn't be a problem, but I remember when me and Ashley had first started talking and everything, she told me that she loved some guy, she wouldn't tell me who but she told me that he didn't love her the same way that she loved him" he finished rubbing a hand over his face.

Rob winced fighting back memories of when Ashley ran out of his house.

"Anyways man, I'm going to go back home , maybe Ashley will be ready to talk about it" Julian said getting up and doing a secret handshake with Rob.

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