loosing control

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After getting the groceries Ashley made her way back to her and Julian's house, before she pulled into the driveway she noticed several different cars already parked there. The car she parked beside she noticed it being Rob's. Laying her head on the steering wheel she decided that she would just ignore the tall man. Walking in the house she was surprised to not see them in the living room, after putting everything away she went to go look for them. She didn't need to look long, they were in what Julian called "the film room" he spent many nights in this room going over plays and etc. Opening the door all heads turned to her,

"babe when did you get home"? Julian asked jumping up from his spot on the couch to kiss her cheek.

"a few minutes ago" she replied with a light blush feeling the others eyes on them

"do you need help getting groceries out"? He asked

"no I already put them up babe, just stay here and relax, i'm going to go start lunch" Ashley said before kissing his cheek but Julian obviously wanted more as he pressed his lips against hers, his hands traveling down her back to her booty. Tom cleared his throat but that didn't seem to stop them, shaking his head he turned back to the tv. Shane laughed before whisteling and finally getting the couples attention. They both had a blush on their face and it turned even a darker shade of red when Chandler told them to get a room. Before walking back in the kitchen she caught a glimpse of Rob, his eyes were still on her and he was the only one without a smile on his face.

-back in the film room-

Julian still had a blush on his face as he sat back down beside Chandler.

"dude I don't want to see you and Ashley make out like that, she's like a little sister to me and now i'm going to have nightmares of her kissing your ugly ass" he laughed as Julian playfully punched him.

"your all hating because I have the best girlfriend in the world" he chuckled.

No one objected to what he said, they only smiled because they knew how happy Ashley makes him. Rob looked away and glanced outside not wanting to hear Julian brag about her.

"where are the bathrooms at"? Rob asked standing up and making his way to the door.

Julian looked up still smiling, making Rob feel sick to his stomach "just down the hall, it's the closest door to the kitchen, the other door is a closet" .

-Rob's POV-

I closed the door behind me and made my way to the bathroom, looking in the mirror I tried to get a hold of my emotions but it's so damn hard to when I just saw Ashley and Julian making out. Closing my eyes I remembered what she had on, short black shorts and a low cut v neck shirt that showed just enough cleavage. Trying to clear my thoughts, I turned on the water and splashed some on my face. After drying my face off I was about to go back into the film room until I heard Ashley drop something. Walking back down the hallway and looking into the Kitchen I saw her by the sink and a knife on the floor.

-Ashley's POV-

"fuck" I cursed as I felt the knife I was using to cut vegetables up with cut my finger. I dropped it on the floor and went to go wash the cut. A few minutes passed and I jumped when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist automatically thinking it was Julian I sighed "babe you scared me" I said then I felt lips on my neck and I froze. "Are you okay"? I heard Rob ask before kissing my neck again. "No because you're kissing me" I spoke angrily but he didn't back away.

"that was some show you and Julian put on back there" he said and I blushed

"well yeah thats my boyfriend and he wouldn't like the way you're holding me right now" I shot back trying my best to ignore how he was making me feel by our bodies being so close together. Drying my hand off I examined my finger, it stopped bleeding. Turning around in his arms I tried to push him away to continue cooking.

-Rob's POV-

She turned around in my arms and looked into my eyes with her hazel green eyes. I couldn't control myself any longer as I picked her up and sat her on the counter, before she could say anything I smashed my lips against hers. Her hands went to my chest and it made me loose even more control as I got our bodies as close together as I could. I took my hands and slid them under her shirt to unclasp her bra, I didn't care that my friends were in the next room I just wanted the beautiful woman in front of me.

We pulled away to breath, Ashley had tears in her eyes as she tried to push me away. "Stop it Rob, I don't want you, I love Julian can't you see that? If you wanted me so bad you had your chance and you shouldn't of broken my heart" she said sliding off of the counter. Her words were like a knife, they cut threw me and I couldn't seem to think of anything to say as she pushed past me to continue cooking.

"I love you" I said quietly but I know she heard me because she stopped what she was doing and turned around.

"what did you say"? She asked holding her breath

I walked a few steps over to her, closing the gap between us and looking down into her eyes that turned a darker shade of green when I kissed her.

"I said I love you Ashley, and rather or not you still love me I know damn sure that you're still attracted to me" I said.

"you......... You don't know that" she stuttered

"yes I do because I bet if I put my hand down your shorts right now that you'd be -"

I stopped mid sentence when I heard the door open.

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